His tail swayed and his fingers twitch while he walked around, analysing every place he believed an adult could hide. The ball pit is believed to be only a foot deep - too shallow for an adult to hide in - so he passes over it. He looks through the bars of the small climbing spaces and up the stupidly large slides. He'd then go to the long desk, hoping she'd be behind it. He's left disappointed and scoffs in defeat.
“Damnit,” he grunts. With this area carefully searched, Freddy leaves and heads off elsewhere.
Charlie remained still and quiet for the next hour or less, afraid to draw his attention. Once that hour had passed she climbed out as quietly as she could and stretched herself. The footsteps of the fox were absent, so he must be back at his party room, Charlie thought. Charlie reluctantly peeks out of the soft play area to see no giant fox walking around. She'd walk around in the dark now that her eyes have somewhat adjusted to the darkness. The guard moved to the arcade where her feet would be muffled by the carpet. It was deathly silent, so silent that her heart was the only heavy sound she could hear, excluding the quiet ringing in her ear.

Disturbing the silence and tension, an arcade machine suddenly brings itself to life on the other side of the arcade itself. White static lasted a few seconds before playing an 8-bit tune. The screen shone colourful changing light onto the ceiling. Charlie hesitantly moved to the arcade machine. It was The Adventures Of Alice - Part One. The tune was uplifting and loud, but she heard no animatronic growing near. Will he hear this? Charlie stood in front of the machine watching the digital Alice sprite breath in it's 8-bit form. This little sprite was adorable and cute. Charlie remembers trying to play this game, but was unfortunately too small to see the screen properly. She looks left and right to see only darkness. No red eyes or animatronic staring her down. She notices a few quarters sitting against the left of the screen. A sticky note above them read “Play to the end. Collect the red ones and only red.” This will be easy, right?
The sprite was of Alice's old design when she wore a red dress. The grass was green with a few flowers here and there. Alice had a sword that would feed cake to any crying children and take down any tall lanky enemies with freaky red eyes and a wicked smile. Charlie would play through the game and fail three times. On her forth try, the guard would make it further. The background gradually came to a sunset from the midday sunny skies. Alice's smile had faded into a small frown. Many colours seemed to be placements for other people - visitors - in the foreground and background, as if they made the passage for Alice. A large circus-styled tent in the background, engulfed in flames, gradually comes on screen from the right. The joyful music had stopped abruptly a moment before Alice arrived between the visitors. Something about this disturbed Charlie, something was off. No one mentioned this before. This was never the ending to this part. Others claimed the ending was reaching a bright vanilla castle with pink wafer highlights to give the princess a large and colourful cake. This can't be right, Charlie thought.

The sound that played from the machine wasn't 8-bit. Flames roaring as if in the distance. Faint screams and cries, almost inaudible and blending, were also heard. The lack of joyful music is what made the disturbing and unsettling feeling shoot through the roof. Alice drops her sword a few seconds before coming face-to-face with a singular man in a ringmaster outfit. He held what looked like an axe. He also had a wicked smile. The visitors suddenly disappear off screen, completely vanishing. Charlie had collected only the red apples, avoiding any blues and greens. She fed all the children and defeated all the bad guys. Surely this isn't how it ended, right? Charlie went along with it, now curious to know the end of the story. The ringmaster would speak, his voice audible through the speakers in 8-bit form. “P. A. T. H. E. T. I. C.”
What?” Charlie whispered with confusion plastering her face.
The ringmaster lifts his axe up and charges at Alice. A sudden distorted scream of a girl erupts from the speakers, forcing Charlie to startle.
The screen cuts to black, and a few seconds later, Alice appears in the center. She sits there looking limp and lifeless. Her eyes blacked out and her smile no longer present. She sat there for a few long minutes. Is it finished? Charlie thought. As the question came to mind, the screen asks for her name. Charlie answers and clicks enter. The screen froze for another moment, then her eyes reveal two tiny red dots in the middle of the black. The screen begins to glitch and flicker between old footage of previous establishments, newspapers, headlines. Footage never seen before of some place dark and red with pipes along the walls and steam in the air. The screen pauses on a singular photo of a previous employee. He had that same wicked smile. His eyes had been painted messily in black ink that had crawled down his cheeks. It was the man from her nightmare. The one that touched her shoulder. The one that kneeled down beside her. His smile would curve upwards disturbingly, then the screen would cut to black and the machine would shut off completely.

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