TEAM [-] The Prinzessin's Entourage

Start from the beginning

Somebody cleared their throat, "what the Prinzessin means is she is okay, and doesn't need you to be so concerned for her. Nicely..."

A different voice, "she is sick. Look at her, she looks like she will topple over at any moment!"

"Topple over? You dare to comment on my fatigue and stamina? For your mind, I took the liberty in honing my adventurous and powerful mana by taking on the frigid and frozen mountains that border this nation from freedom!"

Then, the translator spoke, "What she means is, we took a detour through Dragonspine so she could heighten her senses and sharpen her skills."

"Someone your age should not be doing such dangerous activities alone! You must be careful when doing things like that."

Baizhu hummed, "it sounds like somebody is ignoring their health to me. Qiqi, do you mind bringing them up?"

Nodding, Qiqi sat the notebook on top of the wooden countertop again. Then she took off out the door. Yaoyao was also curious so she followed Qiqi down the steps. There, both of them could see the familiar face that belonged to Yanfei. The other one is not so recognizable.

As well as floating... crow? Bird thing... next to the girl.

Yanfei crossed her arms but perked back up at the sight of the two children. "Oh hey girls!" She waved, "oh shoot, did the commotion bother Dr. Baizhu from his work?"

"Not really." Qiqi spoke slowly and then turned and looked upwards at the girl with the eyepatch. "He is concerned, please go see him."

A gasp, "was that an order coming from... a child?!"

Qiqi blinked and stayed quiet for a second. "What?"

Yaoyao jumped up, "okay how about this! You can go see him really quickly and then go back to um... being cool!"

She put her hands on her hips. "Cool...? Did you just... does this little one perceive me as an upstanding trendsetting princess?" She smiled and bent down. "You there! How would you like to be appointed as my loyal and trustworthy entourage?"

Yaoyao just kept a wide smile on her face though she had zero clue what she just said. "That sounds fun! Can you appoint Qiqi and Yanfei as well?"

Yanfei raised a brow, "hold on now–"

"Of course! The more the merrier. Now, who goes by the title of Dr. Baizhu?"

Qiqi slowly pointed up the steps to the pharmacy. "He's up there."

"Fabulous. Entourage, let's move!"

So Fischl led the way up the stairs proudly marching with the three of them trailing not far behind. Though she acted okay, there was a wobble in her step, but she held her head up high and stepped into the building like she owned it.

"Greetings dwellers of the sophisticated and esteemed tower of healing! I am Fischl. I ask to speak with the head doctor of this establishment."

Baizhu chuckled. "That would be me. I heard that you appeared to be physically ill. Do you mind if I try to see the problem?"

"Hmph. You will find no such thing, but continue if you must!"

While he was focused on that, Collei turned around, feeling a little more shy with the two additional visitors. The bird was floating next to her and she took the time to admire how sleek it was. "Woah, I've never seen a creature look so... poised in a way."

"Why thank you." The bird spoke.

Collei jumped slightly. Though now she could recognize that this was the voice translating the... extravagant vocabulary from Fischl. "Oh– you're very welcome."

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