Kandy walked away, Rachel sobs could be heard further and further down the aisle but Kandy tried her best to ignore it. She couldn't put stress on her baby, She needed a healthy baby.

"He's raping and beating on me, Please! Could you talk to him!"

Kandy sighed before turning back around, placing her hand on top of her belly, "And how i'm supposed to do that?" She questioned.

"F-Follow me."

- - - -

A drunken Richard slammed yet another glass onto his desk. His drinking problem had only gotten worse with Kandy leaving. Yeah, he told her that Rachel was better but he lied - Kandy was meant for him.

"Boss, we have visitors at gate H." One of his workers came in, keeping his distance from Richard because of a previous interaction.

Richard spun in his chair before slouching on his desk, "B-B-Bet not be that b-bitch, R-Rachel." He slurred.

The worker swallows a lump in his throat, "It is but she's with someone very very important."

Richard perked up, "N-N-Nobody more important than my baby Kandy."

The worker nodded, "Yes I know.. I think you'll really wanna see this person."

"Ahh what the hell, Bring them in." Richard waved the worker away, spinning back around in his chair as he waited patiently for the visitors.

Five minutes later, Rachel walks in the door first. Kandy remained outside the door until she was signaled inside.

"Hey B-Baby." Rachel whimpered, slowly walking closer toward his desk. Richard let out a loud groan before turning around and looking at Rachel with pure disgust, "I-I ran some errands."

"Should've stayed with them errands, Bitch. I don't want you anymore, Why don't you understand that? I need Kandy." He yelled, slamming his fist against his desk - Large crack visible to the human eye.

"I-I'm sorry, Is there anything I could do for you?" Rachel mumbled.

Richard hummed, "Strip."

Rachel shook her head slowly, "I told you I didn't like doing that, R-Richard. Maybe I could give you a mas-"

"Bitch that ain't what I asked for!" Richard stood up, Rachel quickly backed up, "Strip or i'll beat you black and blue."

Kandy stepped inside, Making sure her belly wasn't shown. Richard quickly whipped his head in her direction; A smirk plastered onto his face. Rachel silently thanked Kandy before running out the room.

"Baby, I've missed you." Richard smiled, stepping closer to Kandy but she stepped back, "Don't act like that." He warned.

"Why do you treat that girl like that?" Kandy questioned.

"That bitch ain't shit, I would never treat you like that."

"You already have." She scoffed.

"I've never beaten you, Kandace."

"Mentally you have, You knew better than physically, but we're not talking about me right now. Rachel truly loves you." Kandy mentally gagged at her last words.

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