Double Enchantix

Start bij het begin

"We need to get back to the shuttle!" Stella said. They ran away leaving Bloom to have a moment with Sky. They were running towards the shuttle when Flora was blasted from behind by a dargon's flame. 

Sky made a creepy remark about how witches were killed with fire and he was planning to do it with them. Aerilyn created an air sphere around Flora lifting her up. She placed her onto the ship as Tecna told Timmy to prepare for take off. She knew she couldn't do much as there was a possibility of her true powers being revealed. 

She ran back into the main ball looking for Diabolus. "Diabolus where are you?!" She shouted. She cupped her ears and tried searching for him when a dragon above her was about to blast her. She covered her eyes but felt nothing as she saw a black barrier around her. "Diabolus!" He hugged her as she ran towards him hugging him. "We need to get you somewhere safe." 

"What about you?" Diablous looked over to his parents who had a portal ready for them to pass through. "I'll be okay, but my priority right now is making sure you're safe." She smiled and blushed slightly. 

"Alright." As they were walking towards their shuttle she saw Stella defending her father and stopped in her tracks. "Stella!" She saw as Stella's skin began to peel off as the dragon's fire continue to blast her, her father on the ground witnessing all this. "Diablous we have to help her!" Diablous raised a hand and blasted the dragon, stopping it's flame.

But the damage was done and Stella fell to the floor. Her father held her in his hands sobbing. A bright light emerged from her. 

 Aerilyn squealed and jumped up and down. "She earnt her enchantix!" Diablous smiled softly as they reached their shuttle. Stella hugged her father goodbye before flying in. 


To cheer up Bloom they decided to have a little picnic, with the pixies helping by setting all the stuff down. Bloom smiled softly and thanked them for the gesture but said she wasn't hungry, Kiko was and ate all the food up.

Few hours after Faragonda had a meeting with the whole school and told them about the threat of Valtor, she said that it was likely he was trying to seek revenge on Faragonda and Bloom. The parents had requested that Bloom leave but Faragonda turned down their request saying that if the parents cannot cope with the decision than the could withdraw their daughters from the school. Bloom angered at what was going on said that she would just leave if there was so much trouble.

Even at them explaining to her to stay, she said she would stay in Gardenia until the threat of Valtor had past. 

Aerilyn opened her holographic transmitter to talk with her mother. "Valtor is a dangerous threat to the magical dimension, please tell father to be on guard and be prepared to moblise the armed forces." Sylvia nodded. 

"Don't worry Aeri, your father is a very capable man he'd know if someone was threatening our planet at anytime."

"You mean you would." Her mother chuckled.

"Well I may not be in my prime but I'm still a very capable fairy."

"I know you and dad would put up a good fight against Valtor if he ever came to Skyaldia. But I'm still worried." 

"Aeri you have the most powerful power in all the magic dimension, if Bloom and Diablous aren't able to beat him then you'll be everyone's last hope." Aerilyn nodded.

"I understand, well I got to go so I'll see you later okay?" Her mother nodded and switched off.


-Okay so I'm going to skip to the part where Alfea gets attacked by the witches to save time-  

They ran outside to see Faragonda fighting toe to toe with Valtor. They disappeared into the forest as the witches contiuned to attack. The fairies transformed into their magic winx form and battled to push back the witches. 

"Come girls let's transform!"

-From 1:53 to 2:30 then 3:09 to end- Also Italian version superior-

Everyone cheered at the sight of the enchantix fairies, the freshman fairies ran inside as everyone else dealt with the witches

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Everyone cheered at the sight of the enchantix fairies, the freshman fairies ran inside as everyone else dealt with the witches.

Aerilyn flew past the many blasts and opened her palms to show a small tornado. "Been a while since I've made one of these, good thing we're outside." She threw it towards the witches as it grew. Few of the witches were caught in it, Aerilyn waved her hands and the tornado turned into a sphere tramping them in it. 

Suddenly there was a huge burst of energy, the trees shook and everyone was pushed back. The Trix appeared and said that Valtor had finished Faragonda off. 

They decided that some of the girls help create a barrier while the others go and make sure the Trix does not steal the precious magic spells from Alfea's enchantment room. Musa said she getting a message from Galatia via ultra low sound waves that they use in melody. 

They arrived to see the Trix, they attacked them immediately Icy using ice darts which Bloom caught with her shield and blasted back at her. Stormy created a tornado sending books flying their way. Aerilyn created an air barrier, she stopped all the books using her air magic and threw them back at the Trix, knocking them back. Musa helped Galatia up and was walking out of the room.

Icy and Stormy converged their powers to attack Tecna who created a shield defending herself. "Now it's our turn Flora!" Bloom said. Flora created vines coming from the bookcase. 

"You hit them, I'll catch!" Bloom used her dragon fire attack to blast them into the bookcase and they were caught by Flora's vines. Darcy was able to lit the books on fire and escape with Stormy and Icy. The fire contiuned to spread, Flora tried to stop the fire with her leave spell but to no anvil, Bloom tried reverse fire but was unable to contain much of it. They all started coughing as they inhaled the toxic fumes. "I can try and absorb the oxygen from it..." Aerilyn said, Flora stopped her. "It's too much, we have to get out now!" They walked out of the room coughing, Galatia rushed back inside to try to save some books.

Musa rushed back in, despite the flames almost burning her alive. She tried to get Galatia out of there but was unable to go for much longer. Galatia told her to leave and save herself. "I won't let you die here, never!" 

Musa used her fairy dust to stop the flames and return Galatia's wings. Griselda came in and congradulated them but a saddened expression came over her as she said how Faragonda was missing.

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