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Gaege's POV:

I had arrived at school a little bit earlier than usual, so I was just standing in mine and Josh's normal spot while I waited for Josh to arrive. He soon arrived after a few more minutes and went to his locker to put his bag away before walking over to me. 

"Hey Gaege!" Josh said as he slowly waved at me. I waved back as I smiled at him. 

"Hey Josh! How was your night?" I asked as he stood next to me. 

"It was pretty good. We went to Taco Bell for dinner." He replied and my mind immediately though of Eddie. This sexy Mexican had somehow taken over my mind. I looked up at Josh and smiled but he had a frightened look on his face as he watched something. I followed where his eyes were looking and saw Mully, Grant and Eddie walking towards us. 

"Oh shit." I mumbled to myself as I stepped away from Josh not wanting to get involved. Mully stopped in front of Josh and looked down at him. He said some joke about trash or something but I wasn't really concentrating, I was too busy admiring Eddie. He was laughing at some of Mully's jokes but he was shifting from foot to foot and looked like he would rather be somewhere else. He caught me looking at him and I gave him an innocent smile before he quickly turned away. I looked back at Josh and saw him on the ground and I quickly ran towards him. 

"Are you okay Josh?" I asked as I helped him off the floor before we walked towards our lockers. 

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'll see you at recess." He replied before walking away from me to go to his first class. I sighed sadly as I shut my locker and went to my first class. 

Eddie's POV:

I sat down in class with Mully and Grant. My mind was still thinking about a certain brown haired, hazel eyed boy. While Mully was bullying Josh, I had caught him staring at me which had made my whole body feel weak. How the fuck does he make me feel this way? I love him and I wish I could tell him, but it scares me too much. Beside I can never get away from Mully and Grant. It'd be the end of me if they ever found me talking to Gaege. I felt Mully nudge my shoulder and once he had my attention, he pointed at something and laughed. I looked to where he was pointing and saw Josh sitting alone, I felt bad for him. 

"Don't you feel sorry for him?" I asked as I watched Josh with a frown on my face. Mully just shook his head. 

"Nah, why should I?" He asked and I looked at him and frowned while crossing my arms. 

"Because he only has one friend unlike you." I replied and he shrugged his shoulders before looking back at Josh. I looked down at my work as I felt Mully stand up and walk away. I honestly didn't understand what his problem was. Like why did he hate Josh so much? I heard Mully shout something, but I didn't really concentrate on what he said. Like normal I was thinking about Gaege. I remembered what had happened yesterday and felt my face heat up, it was the closest I had ever been to him. And it was the first time I had ever talked to him. I felt Mully sit down, and I looked up at him. 

"What happened?" I asked and he looked back at me as he crossed his arms. 

"Someone was bullying Josh, so I stepped in to save him." He replied and I smirked at him. 

"Sounds like you were jealous. Does mean old Mully have a crush on little Josh?" I asked in a teasing tone. He shook his head as his face turned red. 

"What? No. He's way to ugly." Mully replied and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah right." I said and he glared at me with anger in his eyes. I just looked away from him so I could go back to thinking about Gaege. I wish I could talk to him more but I just need to work out a way I can escape from my friends without them suspecting anything. 

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