Sneaking out.

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Schlatt was going down a hollway to his class when somebody grabbed him when he was walking next to a restroom, he didn't have time to react so he got dragged inside. As he was just about to yell the mysterius person covered his face and spoke:
'Hey, hey Schlatt, it's ok, it's me, now please don't yell.' And then the person uncovered his face.
'Jesus Christ Wil, what the fuck was that??'
'What? I just wanted to talk with you.'
'Can't you do it in a normal way?? Like idk, walk with me down the hall or something??'
'But I wanted to talk with you in private.'
'Then just aske me about it! Not drag me in here, i thought i was being kidnaped or something.'
'If you were being kidnaped then why didn't you run away?'
'Becouse you were holding me and i was in shock?. . . Well, what did you want to talk with me about?'
'Well... ummm... would you like to hang out with me after school?'
'You know i would but you also know Debra won't let me.'
'Come on man! We are 15 just ignore her and sneak out.'
'You know what? All right, i don't like siting at that house anyway. I'll just sneak out of the window, she dosen't check on me, and i'm shure my father won't ewen be home.'
'Wonderfull!' Wil said hugging Schaltt, when he let go of him he started walking out of the bathroom, when almost out he said where and when to meet, and then he was gone, at least that's what Schlatt thought as Wilbur was right outside the dore panting like crazy.
Schlatt didn't respond, just accepted the information, shook his head with a smile,  and moved on with his day.

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Schlatt looked at his watch seeing it was time to get redy. It was 6.30pm and they were suposed to meet up at the park at around 8.00pm. If Schlatt had to be honest, he didn't know why he put so much care into his looks while meeting with Wil, he never cared about that when he was hanging out with his other friends.

Schlatt took a shower and opened his closed to choose what to wear, he was deciding between a t-shirt with a jacket over it, a  sweater, and a hoodie.
Finallt he decided on a blue hoodie with a little white ram on right side of his chest. He had another hoodie and two sweater with a simmilar pattern, with wasn't that suprising since rams were Schlatts favorite animal simce like- forever.

He packed a few stuff to his backpack, like headphones, bottle of water, kees (ewen tho he wasn't planing on using front door), some cash, flaslight, lighter, and a cans of some energy drinks, and to be more specyfic he packed 4 cans of monsters. And to be ewen more specyfic, it was pink Pipe Linepunch, yellow Ripper, blue Ultra Blue, and the orginal one. (Dyscleimer, i literally never drank them in my life i've got no idea how they taste like, i just wanted to make pan flag.)

When he finished packing he looked at the time again, it was 7.36pm, and since it was like 20 minutes walk he decided to start heading out. He was glad he was leaving, not only becouse he was leaving 'his' house, but aslso becouse he missed Wil, and well, rest of his day was uneveltfyll and he reall needed aome endertaiment and seretonin, otherwhise his mental would go to even bigger shit. He put his phone into pocket that was in his baggy black pants, then put on his shoes that he always kept in his room, put on dark grey beanie for warmth, put on the backpack, opened the window, and finally snook out. He was forever gratfull for the fact that he lived on 2nd (the one above ground level) floor, and there were stuff that he could climb from into his window.

He closed the window, without locking and started walking listening to some music on his headphones, the first song that started playing from his shuffled playlist on spotify was 'Self Eteem' by 'The Offspring', he liked that song, he was humming along to it  while it played, he was humming to other songs as well. (i really recoment this song! I'm in love w/ it).

When he was like five minutes int the walk he decided to drink one of his drinks, and it landed on Pipline Punch. Welp, one down, three more to go.

There was a lot of thoughts rasing thru his head during that walk, why does he care so much about Wilbur and his oppinion? He dosen't care about anybody else that much. So why his? Why does he deslike Wils close friends so much? Minx dosen't seem to mind them so they can't be that bad, and when he met one of them before he knew how close they were to Wil he really didn't mind them, but now he does. Why was that?

How did it ewen happen that they had almost no mutual friends anyway? They are together almost all the time and are best friends, how do they not have the same friend group?
Only person that crosses over is Quackity, other ppl have friends in the other grupe but nobody crosses, maybe Slime, but that is hard to tell since he is friends with eweryone.

He finally snapped out of his thoughts when he reachedthe park, he was at the 'back' of it where a little forest was growing, it was mostly maples, beeches and willows, and they made it VERY obvius that the forest was planted, but ni body really cared and ewery body was still calling it a forest.

He lloked at the time, it was 7:58 pm, he dran his monster un till the very end and decided to walk In.

Perfect 1000 words😍😍😍

Started: 18.04
Finished: 23.05
Spell checked: No lol

I'm sorry i was gone for so long
I really 'm
But i'm just not that good at writing and i'm constantly tierd, so ewen when i have time i'm too exousted to actually write.

I hope at least a few of you are still here tho

Also, if anybody is here, should Schlatt escape when i'll get to that point un the storry or should he stay with Wil? And if stay, should he fall in love w/ him or newer accept it? I just don't know what version to write.

Anyway, thanks for ewerythung♡

Go drink some wather

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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