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Jade woke up with Michael next to her on his phone texting his sister who was blowing up his phone with what she was up to at the moment and that she'd be Jade's caretaker for a while after her surgery . Jade felt throbbing pain and she made a hurt groaning sound. Micheal looked at her quickly.
"Are you alright?"
"My arm is just stiff that's all." She said trying to move it. He got Up and got a warm towel and put it on her arm And helped her stretch it out and she bit her lip with tears falling. She felt better as she could move it now.
"Thanks." She said breathing harshly.
"Your welcome." He said putting the towel around another part of her arm making her relax. He gave her no eye contact at all and she assumed it's because of their argument a few days ago.
"Why don't you say what's on your mind or something? This silence is awkward."
"It's a waste of time."
"Why? Because you think I won't understand?"
"Why ask questions you know the answers too?"
"Because it's your emotions and you should say it.*
"I'm not going to."
"Why not?"
"Because unlike you.... princess....I Care about how other's feel. I don't just go around saying what's on my mind without thinking how it affects others." Micheal said getting upset and Jade still felt gentleness from him. She wasn't even mad at what he said. He was right. She would've Never got injured if she'd just left the woman instead of forcing her to come with her.  She refused to cry no matter how hard that hurt.
"Okay then." Jade answered unable to say anything else.
"I forgot how straightforward you were."
"Naturally I don't talk much anymore."
"Why is that?"
"Because I know everything you said is true. I deserved it."
"That's not what I said."
"ISN'T IT? None of this would've happened if I didn't confront you in the first place." Jade said looking away. Micheal got up before he did something he'd regret because he loved her.  "My selfishness won't let me regret it." Jade admitted crying hating her emotions. Micheal stopped with his back turned.
"I never asked you to regret it because I don't." Michael said remembering the first day he met the princess.
"What are we fighting about again?" Jade asked Him wiping her tears.  Micheal looked at her.  He Sat Back down and heated another towel and put it on her arm.
"Don't talk to me like that again. I have a bad temper. You don't wanna see that ." Micheal warned her and Jade's spine had chills.  It's like the other Side of him started forming.
"Sorry." Jade said because she meant it. " You didn't deserve that. I was just mad at myself."
"I'd appreciate it if you Kept that on your side of This conversation."
"I will."
"How Are you feeling?" Micheal asked with his voice gentling up and Jade tried not to show she liked it.
"I'm okay I'm just a bit scared of the surgery."
"Don't be everything will be fine." Micheal said and Jade looked at him And Asked.
"Do you ever get tired of being strong?" Jade really wanted to know because she hadn't cried a heavy cry sense the incident. Micheal looked at her eyes and she seemed weak and caged and Micheal sat by her in the bed and she turned to him.
"I do."
"Do you like ever wanna just cry and scream until the world hears you and then they look at you so crazy that you don't care because you've been wanting to do that a Long Time?" She Asked and she was shaking now because she wanted to explode.
"I do sometimes."
"How do you stop it?"
"....by letting it out." He said and Jade shut her eyes.
"I just don't want my parents to see me like this."
"You're Lucky to have their support."
"I know that. But I need to feel my pain Now without them stopping me. I just need to......I feel like I'm gonna explode." Jade told him and he stroked her face.
"I'm here." Micheal said with Such sincerity.  Jade then began to cry and he held the whaling girl tightly as she cried aggressively. Micheal knew This feeling and he began to cry and they held Each other.
Jade fell asleep with Micheal and the dry tear's. He woke up stroking her hair. He wiped her tears falling from her cheek in her sleep.
"I love you." Micheal whispered to her and Jade Heard it loud and clear. She felt his hands rub her arm.
"Micheal." She mumbled in her sleep.
"I'm here."
"Okay I'll be back just wait." Jade mumbled in her sleep.
"Where are you going?"
"I Gotta change the Baby." Jade said. Michaels jaw dropped.
"B-baby?" Micheal stampers.
"Your daughter crazy lune."
"Oh . "
"Don't worry I'll be in bed soon and we can talk about what we discussed earlier today."  Jade said and Micheal waited on her as if he was in the dream. "I'm back." She mumbled. "Oooo shirtless husband!" Jade did a seductive giggle and it made Micheal want to move away but she held on to him. "Don't leave me baby." She mumbled.
"I won't."
"Good. Now about the handcuffs." Jade mumbled and Micheal stopped her right there. He woke her up by moving. She opened her eyes.
"Micheal where are you going?" She asked him so innocent and Micheal rubbed his hair.. "are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah I'm alright you?" Micheal asked and she nodded. "I'll be back I'm going to the restroom." Micheal said getting out of the room. His eyes grew lighter and more bright Blue. He had to calm himself.
"Whoa big brother calm down." Michelle said seeing her brother having a spell.  "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Micheal told her and he was a bit calmer Now.
They all were enjoying breakfast and Jade looked at Micheal who wasn't looking at her.
"Did I do something?" She asked him.
"No. I'm just tired."  Micheal told her biting into a grape.
"Sorry I kept you up." Jade whispered and Micheal tried to stay calm and shutting his eyes.
"Micheal can you pass the pancakes please?" Hazel asked. He opened his eyes and he handed it to her. And hazel Noticed his eyes And she motioned for him to leave the table. He arose and rushed away. Peter followed him.
"Aye Micheal you good?" Peter asked and he Heard a slight growl.  "Yo? You good?" Peter asked. Micheal turned to him and Peter's mind in visioned a Wolf on the edge of the cliff and he was set back by the vision.
"You fucking traitor." Peter said And he bald up his fist.
"Traitor?? I didn't do shit!"
"So you didn't attack my sister?!" Peter asked and Peter shook his head.
"I'd never." Micheal confessed truthfully. "You know I'm telling the Truth!"
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"How do you know you didn't attack her? Are you aware of who you Are when you are This way?" Peter asked and Micheal froze.
"No. But he does."
"Who does?"
"It doesn't matter." He said walking away and Peter went after Him.
"How do you want people to believe you and you keep secrets?"
"Aren't you doing the same?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Let's not pretend I'm The only one whose different here!" Micheal shouted back remembering when he beat him up his light hazel brown eyes turned pitch black and all Micheal could remember is himself falling back and being knocked out unable to move.
"It wasn't a secret you just never asked." Peter said And Micheal gave him a look. "Okay maybe it was but still that doesn't justify you possibly hurt her and me."
"I know I didn't hurt her.....I couldn't....... we're connected somehow." Micheal said sitting on the ground under the tree. Peter sat by him.
"This Guy you're talking about....does he know?"
"Yeah.  He's the one that talked to her when she went into the bearings. " Micheal said and Peter sighed.
"I'm guessing if you guy's actually stay together you will be the strongest kingdom afar From the gold mansion. Too powerful for him." Peter said.
"That's what Alice ivory said."
"Oh she didn't tell you? "
"Tell me what?"
"She's My first cousin." Peter said And Micheals jaw dropped.
"I should've known. Her daughter hates me." Micheal sighed feeling miserable .
"Who Passion? ...she doesn't hate you.... she just doesn't trust you. Her Dad is like that."Peter assured his friend.
"Didn't know you can inherit trust issues." Micheal said and they both laughed.

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