Questions & Dare's 8!

Start from the beginning

*minutes later, martial walks down stairs, heading for the door as he was about to open it he gets interrupt by his harem*

Ml:where are you going Martial?

Martial:just going out to go on a date with someone.....

Ml:*heart breaks and gets a little jealous*WHO?

martial:I'm not gonna say there name, so now will you excuse me I have a date to go to *opens the door and close it while trying not to laugh and then goes to the back door and hides in the kitchen so he will listen to what his harem are saying and then looks at the author and winks*it's your turn now ate

Me:yeah thanks martial*winks back and then goes to the living as if she doesn't know anything*ara~... What's with the faces boys..?

Ml harem:*ignore's her*

Me:oh~come on~ tell me!

China:it's nothing Shane.....

Me:hm... I don't think it was nothing... Just tell me what's wrong or else I will keep asking until you had enough.

Ml harem:*sigh*

NK:martial is going on a date with someone.....

Me:ah huh..... And..... Are you guys jealous~?

Ml harem:.....*sigh*okay you got us..... Yes.... We are jealous.....

Me:*looks over her back and sees martial with a kinda... Shock face and then looks back at the ML harem*you know..... About martial going out with someone.... Well.....

Ml harem:what....?

Me:well..... Before I tell you, I need to ask you guys first

Ml harem:and that is....?

Me:do you guys really love martial...? Like you really have feelings for him...?

Ml harem:of course we do love him and have feelings for him!

Me:*smirks*i see..... Anything to say to that..... *looks over her shoulder*martial...?

Ml harem:huh...? *looks at where the author is looking*

Martial:*blushes very red*

Ml harem:Martial!?

Chin: I thought.... He....

Me:it was a dare china, he didn't really go on a date and the dare was to make you guys jealous so I help him

Ml harem:*looks at me with a 'WTF' face*

Me:anyway.....let's just continue

For North Korea-South Korea is not your brother for 24 hours!

NK:...... Okay...?


For martial-push Spanish empire of a building

Martial:...... *sigh*.... Okay...

*after that*

Del:so.... How did it go...?

Martial:fine I guess....

Brun:and where is Spanish empire..?

Martial:dea-AH! *gets carried bridal style*

SE:do you think pushing me off the building will get rid of me that easily~?


Ml harem:SPANISH EMPIRE......

Me:*facepalm*Oh no.....

Ml harem:LET..... GO..... OF..... MY..... MARTIAL!!!!!!!! *runs towards Spanish Empire while holding some weapons*

SE:*holds martial tightly to his chest and runs away while smirking*i don't think I would~!

Martial:*blushes really hard*

Ml harem:SPANISH EMPIRE!!!!!!

Me:... *sigh*..... I will just leave them alone..... I'll deal with them later


Me:cause we have one more dare so can you call America please?


*after that*

Ame:I'm here Ate Shane what do you need?

Me:*shows America the dare*

Ame:okay! *runs to the kitchen*

Del:do you think it's a good idea?

Me:yep as long he didn't burn down the kitchen it will be fine

Del:okay....if you say so.....

*Minutes later*


Me:*grabs the fire extinguisher and runs to the kitchen and put out the fire*god dammit ame....... Did you put the temperature way to High?

Ame:.... Uh.... Idk...

Me:*facepalm*..... *sigh*....


Me:it's okay... I guess just don't put the temperature way to high okay?



Well my beautiful jewels that's all for today so see you guys on the next chapter bye~!
Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now