|The First Day In Another State|

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(POV; Fag- I mean Finney)

I woke up due to my sister Gwen hitting me with pillows and clothes, telling me to get up that it was 7:30. I got up slowly " GWEN, I'M UP CHILL, ILL GET READY JEEZ" I yelled tiredly. When she finally left my room, I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I went to find clothes since Gwen threw them everywhere. After looking through my clothes I found my uniform, once I put it on. I fixed my hair. (Random ass time skip bc I'm lazy😨)

After walking halfway to the school, Gwen ran off, and someone came up behind me. "I haven't seen you're face around here. Are you new around here?" The boy said. I looked at him. He was handsome. He had light brown hair that was styled nicely. He had a red/orange jacket on. "Oh, yeah, I just moved here," I had said to the boy. "How rude of me! I'm Billy! You can call me Bill, though," He had smiled at me. "I'm Finney, Finney Blake. Nice to meet you, Bill!" I smiled back softly. Bill was nice. He would crack random jokes. They were funny.

(another time, skip IM SORRY)

{POV; None}

Once they got into the school, Bill showed Finney to the principles office, And Finney got his schedule, " do you need help with your schedule? There is still some time before classes start." He had asked me. I agreed because I don't want to walk into the wrong classroom and get embarrassed on my first day.


After Bill had shown Finny the school, which was huge but surprisingly didn't take long to walk around. The bell had ranged, and the students were walking to class. Finney had History first. The teacher was named Ms.Hitler... After my first few classes, then came lunch. 'I AM STARVING.' Thought Finney. But there was a fight at 11 fucking 30 IN THE MORNING. Finney was so annoyed, though the two boys that were fighting were. He had guessed that the boys' names were Robin and Matty. He was not sure though. That's what the crowd around them where saying. The boy with black shoulder-length poofy hair was on the ground bleeding from the nose. The boy hitting the other dude had a gray bandana, a black tank top, and baggy jeans. His hair was shoulder-length but only curly at the ends. Once, the boy with the bandana got up. He looked at me with a confused look. I was giving him a death stare because I just wanted to eat. But both of them had to start a fight. After I had left the circle around them, the crowd seemed to leave. Two other boys carried away the other dude. I went to get lunch after a whole 10mins of them fighting...

{POV; TeenTitans Leader}I had got off Matty. I spotted a boy that I had never seen before. I felt my face heat up a little. He had walked away, so I went into the bathroom to clean up, to be honest 'I think I broke that hijo de putas nose..." After I got cleaned up. Then I went into the lunch room. I wasn't hungry, so I sat with the "New kid" I taped him on the shoulder, and he seemed to flinch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you... My name is Robin. What's yours, niño bonito~" I teased him. Honestly, he was weirdly cute he had light brown hair, plump lips, and an.. amazing figure...OH SHIT, WHY AM I THINKING THIS!?!

{POV; Maricón}
Someone taped me on the shoulder, and I flinched because I'm not used to being touched.
He was the kid in the fight. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you... My name is Robin. What's yours, niño bonito~" He teased me. "Finney." That was all I had said to him, Waiting for the last bell to ring to go home. Then he said. "Finney?? That's a cute name for a cute boy," I could feel my face warm up. "Don't call me that, Robin."


The bell. "Aww, well Bye mi amor nos vemos el lunes" He winked at me while I got up. I was a blushing mess... Once I got out of the building Gwen was waiting for me. I told her I was going to explore the town. " IWANTEDTOGOWITHYOUHOWDAREYOU... Wait ARE YOU BLUSHING" I didn't say anything and ran off to the store. I had 25 dollars with me so I could buy some snacks for me and Gwen. Mom doesn't like snacks I don't understand why though. (Oh shit..) 'How the fuck can I avoid him.. I guess there is no way ' I walked up to the store and walked in.. I found some M&M's for Gwen and some AirHeads for me but I was too short to reach them. Someone with dirty blonde hair had reached for them and given them to me. "You wanted this??" "Yes..Thank you" I said back to the tall man. "Wait..Are you Finney.. uhh Finney Blake? You go to Ladislaus High??" I nodded back at him "we go to the same school then oh and I'm Vance, Vance Hopper" He gave me a smirk as he went to the PinBall machine. 'That was very weird..like REALLY weird... OH SHIT ROBIN CAN SEE ME' he walked over to me "mi amor! I thought you would be at home, but hi!" he said "1. I'm not your love. 2. why tf would I be at home??" He had a smirk on his face that WAS NOT GOOD. I just ignored him and went to the counter and paid for my stuff.

{POV; "KoOl KiD" nAmEd RoBiN}

I followed him out of the store because Vance was just focusing on his game. I smirked bigger than last time.. 'hehe...'
Once we got outside, I dragged Finney to an abandoned park. "Where are we..?" Finny said sounding nervous. "We are at a park! Mi amor," I had said to him. "Robin. Stop calling me "Mi AmOr. OKAY??" He got annoyed "Jeez, okay hermoso" We sat on a bench watching the sunset. His eyes were full of sparkles, 'He's so cute..No Robin you can't think that, You are not gay.. or am I? ykw yes. Yes, I am.' I sat Fin on my lap, he was a blushing mess I couldn't help but laugh "R-Robin! Bájame gilipollas!!" I'm surprised he knows Spanish. "Robin.."Fin wanted something, "Yes?~" "Puedo sentir tu uhm.. pene" "oh okay" Fin had moved to the side of me and kissed me on the cheek


"Bye, Mierda cachonda! I don't know why I kissed him on the cheek but I felt tingly I wonder what this feeling is..
As I walked home I saw Bill Throwing papers at people's doors! "Hey, Fin!" He said while passing by "Hey, Bill!" He had a cute dog with him though! I just noticed I was still blushing..


'I'm finally home!' Once, I had gone through the door. Gwen was just sitting on the sofa waiting for me. Gwen randomly sniffed me, and then pulled me into my room "you smell like hierba, don't ask me how I know what that smells like..." Said, Gwen. "OKAY I DON'T CARE, NOW GO SO I CAN CHANGE." "Okay okay, chill-" So after that, I decided to take a shower, then find some clothes. I found a plain long-sleeved shirt and some gray sweatpants.

Words; 1260

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