Amaretto-Catch up

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How you meet:  You met Amaretto when you were introduced to the team. You two didn't really interact with each other until she approached you, asking you if you'd like to hang out together. After that, you two started talking to each other. Slowly, she started developing feelings for you. After a hard fought match that resulted in defeat, she sighed before climbing out and finding you. She asked if you two could speak in private, so you do. She confessed her feelings to you and how much you mean to her and that she wanted to win the match to impress you. You were taken aback, but you took her feelings to heart. She smiled and pressed her lips against yours. Even though her face and uniform were covered in grease, you didn't really care.

First date: Planning a date with Amaretto is difficult. "I don't care" or "Where do you want to go?" and things like that. Frustrated, you told her that you want to take her on a date but you can't decide where to take her. So she takes you by the hand and leads you to the motorpool and to her tank. You two shoot targets, which is pretty fun.

First kiss: Amaretto stared at her smoking gun barrel as you loaded the machine gun. She watched your hands at work, staring at your face too. She felt her face heat up as she leaned over and pressed a kiss on your lips. You turned to look at her with wide eyes as she smiled at you. You finished loading the gun and looked back at her as she smiled.

You getting drunk: She drinks a little bit while watching you drink more and more until you're completely sloshed. She laughs at any foolish antics you do until you start to do something bad, so she drags you to bed to sleep it off.

They get jealous: Amaretto gets jealous easily. She's worried someone else might take your heart, and she won't stand by it. As soon as she sees a girl speaking to you, she immediately thinks she's flirting with you, so she makes her way over. When the girl touches your arm, she feels anger and storms over, slapping her hand and pulling you along and away from her. 

If you get into a fist fight: Amaretto is arrogant and smug, which does cause some trouble to people who don't like that attitude. That's what happened when Amaretto came across one of these kinds of people. She will cheer you on as you fight, and 9 times outta ten, you win. Except that one time you lose every once in a while. Amaretto just pulls your arm and leads you away.

They had a bad day: Another defeat for Anzio, and this time, she tried so hard, too. You could see it on her face. You held out your arms as Amaretto fell into them, wrapping her arms around you and closing her eyes, taking in your scent.

Overworking: She walks behind you and pulls your hair, asking why you look like an office drone. You explain that you have work to do and have no time to take a break. She'll make a comment on how you look stressed out, and you should take a break. With a bit of arrogant persuasion, you take a break.

If she overworks, it's because she is behind on schoolwork. If you offer to help, she'll take it. You also convince her to take a break, too. After she's done with all her work, she'll reward you with a kiss.

You getting injured: Your Carro was hit by a heavy tank round. You slammed your head on the side of the tank, knocking you unconscious. Your driver's ears were ringing. Your driver crawled out of the tank, pulling you out and falling to the ground. Amaretto put her hand over her mouth and watched as medical personnel arrived to take you and the driver away. After the match, she left to find you sitting down with a bandage on your head. Amaretto didn't say a word, only sat down and hugged you.

You have a better tank:

You get in trouble with the law: She might be involved, so when the officer approached, she said she didn't do it. If the officer wasn't after her, the officer was suspicious now. You took over, explaining what happened. Amaretto butts in, interjecting and not making the situation better. The officer gave you a fine and walked away as Amaretto looked at you and apologized.

Throw a snowball at them: Amaretto stared at the snowflakes as you wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Amaretto stepped forward, leaving your grasp and picked up a handful of snow, spinning it around and throwing it at you, hitting you in the face. You grabbed a handful and threw it at her and missed. Amaretto charged you, grabbing a handful of snow and shoving it down your shirt. She laughed when you shrieked and caused her to laugh.

When you two break up: Whatever caused you to break up with her was bad. Probably with how arrogant she can be. She thinks about what caused it and if it was her fault. She cried that night because of it as she looked at old photos of you two together. A few weeks passed, but Amaretto was bothered by it. She thought that she'd get over you by then, but you were the only one she loved. She saw one of the other Anzio students talking to you and thought she was trying to get you. She wasn't going to stand for it so stalked you for a bit. Later that day, she asked if she could talk to you. She asked who that girl was, and you said it was nobody. You say nobody's after you, the fact that you say is true. She said. That she can love you like nobody can. Even better.

When you propose: To be honest, she thought you were tying your shoe until she saw the ring in your hand. She gasped with her eyes wide as you monolog about how much of a lovely person she is and how you'd want to spend the rest of your life with her. She held out her hand with a bright smile, and you slid the ring on her finger. She stared at the gold band, mentally signing a contract with you as she kissed your cheek.

When you sleep together: Amaretto is quiet as she lays down next to you. She rolls over, staring at your face as your eyes grow heavy, admiring the beauty next to you. Amaretto could only stare, admiring every detail on your face before her eyes grew heavy and finally fell asleep.

When you try to kill yourself: She stared, frozen in place as she stared at you. She broke free from her shock, slowly approaching you and pulling your hands, taking you away with her. For a good while, she watches you and asks how you're holding up that day. It takes a while to gain her trust that you can be left alone again. If you leave her line of sight, she slightly panics before finding you and holding your hand.

Movie night: An Italian Mobster movie and some pizza is her kinda night.

When you get caught smoking: She thinks you look badass and asks if she can try one. The first puff threw her into a coughing fit, and she didn't like it. After a while, she thought about the consequences of smoking and was terrified of you getting sick. She told you about it and managed to convince you to quit. It was tough. You were easily agitated and angry the whole time. If you yelled at Amaretto, she tends to yell back, and then it doesn't go anywhere. One day, you woke up, and throughout the day, you didn't have an urge to smoke. You told Amaretto about it and she smiled, adjusting her beret and telling you good job and rewarded you with a kiss.

You come back from the war: She hated the fact that you left to fight in the war. She would have joined too if you hadn't made her stay. You promised you'd write to her and come home. After months of deployment, she received a letter that you'd show up soon in a few weeks. Amaretto smiled, her heart beating anxiously for you. After a few days, you knocked on the door and shebwas suprised, not expecting you so soon but she didn't care. She pulled you in, asking about how it was and if you missed her. She noticed you weren't smiling like usual, which hurt in a way she never felt before. Still, she cared about you and she was going to tell you all that happened at home and help you adjust.

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