not an inch between your skin

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Summary: Due to unfortunate weather circumstances, you are forced to go to Arthur's apartment after the lights and heat go out in yours. You two are still in the early stages of dating, both of you clueless as to how to take the next step in your relationship-yet both head over heels in love.

A/N: I feel like this is weak denwedkem IDK i was passionate about it at the time??

Contains: smut, fluff, Arthur trying to figure out how to be a 'normal' boyfriend.

Length: 8,171

The pleasure from your fingers was driving a delicious sensation through your core as you fingered your folds. You were on the edge of moaning, your hips thrusting up and down as you thought of the person you really should't be-

Your fairly new boyfriend and next door neighbor, Arthur.

It was your guilty pleasure to think of him. You two were still in the early stages of dating-extremely casual. You two had known each other for the better part of a month, casually talking on and off when you passed each other by until one day, something very simple but seemingly life changing had happened-you had held hands for a moment, and everything had clicked into placed that night as Arthur had gleamed a crooked smile at you, deepening the happy lines on his handsome features, You had known from that moment you were entirely fucked. Within weeks, you two were seeing the other whenever life had given you two the chance-which, admittedly wasn't often.

You didn't see him as nearly as often as you would like. You were both working several jobs, Arthur a few more than you, and the very few sections of free time that life granted the two of you was often occupied by other things; for Arthur, it was often tending to his mother. For you, it was often simply trying to pull yourself back together from the pieces the long day you had just had had taken from you.

As you wrapped your blankets around your shivering body in your cold apartment, trying desperately to warm yourself up, you had an deep set feeling Arthur would be much better at that. You two had yet to had any physical contact, but your fantasies helped you with the empty spaces of where the absence of Arthur's touches left. It was winter in Gotham, and even the richest man in the city knew how cruel they would be-the only thing that was keeping you sane right now was the heat in your apartment.

You hadn't asked him if he wanted to hang out tonight because you knew he was probably busy taking care of his mom in this weather. She needed, evidently, a lot of caring. Arthur was just as occupied taking care of her as he was anything else in life, if not more so. You could tell within days the relationship wasn't healthy, but it wasn't you place to say anything-at least not yet.

You sighed, and you were taken out of your fantasy as your organs climaxed. The image you had had of Arthur in your head-romantic curly brown waves, deep set, wise and naive eyes, a stunning contradiction but true none the same, high cheek bones, weathered hollow cheeks, the sweetness that poured out of him in everything that he did. His endearingly thick, knobbly fingers, which oddly stretched out into thin hands. You could-and had- thought about every detail of him for hours, yet somehow, the both of you had hardly touched yet in your relationship. Arthur was a delicate and sweet man, shy almost to the point where it was tragically painfully to see how much he ached to touch you in his begging green eyes, yet refused himself the luxury despite how much he so clearly desired to.


As if on cue to match the end of your orgasm and your depression string of thoughts, the lights in your apartment flickered our as soon as your hand came out of your folds. You were suddenly plunged into darkness, and you sighed heavily as you found your surroundings were now as aimless and empty as your feelings. The shivering and cold of your body didn't help, either.

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