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Welcome everyone!! Please read the rules before requesting, and you'll have an icon in no time. 


1.) Please check if we're open

Shop will only be open when I'm motivated to make icons. I've learned early on that if I keep something open whenever, I can get burned out, and that's no fun on either side. So, keep an eye out for the status before requesting. 

2.) Cartoon and Anime Style Only.

As of right now, I can only work with cartoon and anime style art. Its easy to add boarders to, text looks nicer against it, and overall, is just easier to work with. I am just starting out, so they are pretty simple. 

You can be as specific or as broad as you want with these. For example, you can say you want an anime girl with brown hair for an icon. I'll try to find something that's not an anime character or well-known one, and use it. You could ask for something as simple as a frog icon as well. You can also ask for a specific anime character. Note: I do try and look for them, so if I don't know the anime well, I may ask for help. 

Or, you could ask for a surprise and just give me a vibe to work with. I'm cool with that too. 

3.) Once Icon is finished, must use it for 2 weeks

I'll be more than happy to find different pictures, edit text, boarders, and things like that before you use it, but once you are happy with the end result, you must use the icon for 2 weeks. After that, you are more than welcome to change it with something else, ask for another icon, or even go somewhere else for one. 

4.) Right to Refuse.

There are a few automatic "nos" when it comes to requests. I don't do icons that are nsfw, inappropriate relationships, or anything of the likes.

5.) Payment

Just comment on the chapter that your icon is given (so I know you've seen it and like the end product), use it for 2 weeks, and give me credit for the icon in your bio. That's it. 

Those are my rules. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll happily answer! You can make your requests in the next part. 

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