Claire Redfield × Fem! Reader

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My Savior

Character: Claire Redfield

Scenario: You're in Raccoon City when the virus is released and are surviving when suddenly— you're trapped by a hoard of zombies. Then an unlikely hero saves you in the heat of the movement.

Angst or Fluff? Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of violence


Claire Redfield had been on her own since arriving in Raccoon City. She had been separated from her brother Chris, and she was doing everything she could to stay alive in a city that had been overrun by deadly bioweapons. But fate, it seemed, had something else in store for her – something unexpected, and wonderful.

The encounter between Claire and Y/n had been sudden and unexpected. Y/n had been trapped by a group of zombies and was quickly running out of options when Claire appeared, guns blazing, to rescue her.

They worked together to escape the group of zombies, and as they ran through the city, never leaving each other's side, something began to stir inside of Claire. There was something about the reader that made her feel alive in a way she never had before.

Y/n was tough and resourceful, never backing down from a fight. But there was a vulnerability to her too, one that Claire found herself inexplicably drawn to. And as they made their way through the city, Claire found herself thinking about the reader more and more.

It wasn't long before things changed between them. One night, as they huddled together for warmth in an abandoned building, Claire turned to Y/n and spoke the words that had been weighing on her mind.

"I feel like I should tell you something," she said, her voice soft. "Ever since I met you, I've felt this...this connection between us. I can't explain it, but I just know that we were meant to find each other in this place. You're the missing piece of my puzzle."

Y/n looked at her, her eyes wide with surprise, but then she smiled. "I've been thinking the same thing," she said, and then she leaned in to kiss Claire.

It was a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, a moment of pure, unbridled passion. And as they broke away from the kiss, both of them breathless, they knew that something powerful had been unleashed.

From that night forward, Claire and the reader were never apart. They fought together, survived together, and fell in love together. They found joy and happiness in each other's company, even in the darkest moments of the Raccoon City disaster.

And when they finally managed to escape the city, battered but alive, they knew that they had found something that would last a lifetime.

Years later, as they looked back on their time in Raccoon City, Claire knew that she owed everything to the moment she met the reader. Without her, she never would have found her true self. Without her, she never would have experienced the kind of love that could overcome even the greatest of hardships.

But with her, Claire knew that she had found everything she had ever needed. With the reader by her side, she had found her soulmate. And that was something that would never change.

538 words

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