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So this is a sorta special event for me because this is the first Stucky one-shot that'd been specifically submitted for me to write for y'all. Submitted by @marvel_fanfictions_. What if there was a thunderstorm (post WS) and it's been a few months since Steve found Bucky. Bucky starts having flashbacks of being mind-wiped and goes to Steve like a small child, tears threatening, and asks if he can sleep with Steve because, ya know, he's scared. Of course Steve agrees and he crawls in and cuddles with Steve, clinging onto him tightly and eventually he calms down and falls asleep? This will be narrated by Bucky (for obvious reasons) and I hope you enjoy!

'My name is James Buchanan Barnes. I was born in Shelbyville, Indiana. My friends call me Bucky. I am part of the Howling Commandoes. Captain America is my best friend.' Bucky would repeat these words -out loud of in his head- like it was a prayer the entire time he was in the Hydra facility, at least when he wasn't screaming in pain.

He'd experienced pain before, hell, he'd been tortured by Hydra scientists before. But that wasn't half as bad as having them pick through his brain, pulling memory after memory until he was like a blank slate. On top of all of that, he had the bionic arm that shot shocks of pain through his chest every time he attempted to move while they were operating on it.

But the times that he had spent with Doctor Zola was nothing compared to what he woke up to in the 21st century. With only vague memories of a Black Widow and a train flying away from him, he was tossed mercilessly into the line of fire.

First it was a simple his mission, blowing up some sort of god-car that managed to endure everything Hydra had thrown at it prior to the Winter Soldier himself. But then came the man on the bridge.

The man who caused his mind to explode, as if someone had just turned on the colors on a black and white television for the first time. And the scary thing wasn't that he was beginning to remember.

The scary thing was the possibility of Pierce finding out.

And find out he did. He'd been forced into the evil, metal chair once again, the mouth guard shoved into his mouth. The searing pain of electrocutions were sent like wild fires through his head.

"No!" He shouted, bolting up in his place. The white sheets tumbled off the couch and Bucky wiped the sheen of sweat off his face. It was a roar of thunder that had woken him up, and Bucky quite frankly wished it hadn't. His past self would never admit it, but Bucky had an irrational fear of thundrstorms.

Personally, he blamed the nights spent in the Hydra base the first time around, back before he knew that Steve, ever the brave idiot, had agreed to be injected with super steroids. Back when he thought for sure that he would never get to return to their dingy, one room apartment in the middle of Brooklyn. When he thought that he would never see his best friend again.

Back then, the only thing that kept him smiling though Hydra's painful attempts to get information out of him was the last night he'd spent with Steve and that nameless girl he couldn't even put a face to. The Stark expo, that brought a smile to Bucky's face just by thinking of the way Steve'd snuck off to enlist. The night before everything went sour.

Back then, Hydra had kept him in a room with a small window right where the wall met the ceiling. It wasn't much, and Bucky only noticed it as a possible escape rout, but it was enough for him to see outside, just above ground.

Bucky didn't know where exactly they'd been keeping him, all he knew is that it rained a lot. Actually, no. It didn't rain. It flooded as far as he could tell. That ruined any sort of rain experience Bucky might've enjoyed form that day on. To many horrid memories accompanied the thought of lighting and thunder. That was the reason Bucky preferred to stay away from Thor's damn hammer.

Bucky was an adult, and he could probably have gone back to sleep on the sofa of Steve's apartment -much bigger than the one they'd owned in Brooklyn, mind you. But still with only one bedroom that Steve'd claimed.- but the thought of Steve being just down the hall made Bucky decide that he didn't need to fall asleep there.

There were still holes in his memories, lots of them, but he remembered the winters of New York very distinctly. Cold nights when Steve would crawl into Bucky's cot and they'd hug each other closer in a futile attempt to conserve body heat.

Bucky drowsily got up from the couch, kicking the fallen blanket out of his path as if he were on some sort of drugs. The lights of the apartment were off, but Bucky had been staying here for long enough to remember the vague layout of the rooms. This, of course, did not stop him from knocking into no less than three walls and stubbing his toe on the coffee table, not necessarily in that order.

Thankfully, Steve was a heavy sleeper. Bucky, on the other hand, was not. He'd learned to never let his guard down, even when his brain wasn't completely functional.

Once he did make his way into Steve's room, he let out a quiet breath. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. He thought, beginning to second-guess his actions. I'll just back out the door and he'll never kno-

"Buck?" Steve's voice called into the dark room. There was a click and suddenly Steve's lamp, the one that was situated on his nightstand, was turned on. Bucky had never understood Steve's logic behind this. Bucky was a nickname for Buchanan, which wasn't even his official name. But, even that wasn't satisfying for Steve. No, he had to have a nickname for the nickname of Bucky's middle name. "What're you doing up?"

Bucky stood there, gaping for a good thirty seconds before he could make his mouth form words. "The . . . The thunder had woken me up and . . . And I-"

"You couldn't go back to sleep, right?" Steve smiled knowingly from his bed before moving over in the bed, leaving the left half of it empty for Bucky. "It's fine, Buck. I couldn't go near the freezer for the first month I was back. Still get a bit worked up whenever it starts snowing. You're not the only one who's been affected by what we've been though. The only difference is that I get to be here to help you through it."

God himself could've descended from heaven and gripped Bucky's hand then and there, promising him whatever he wished for most in the world, and it wouldn't have sounded as magnificent as those words coming out of Steve's mouth.

Gratefully, Bucky climbed into the bed next to Steve. They lay there like that for a minute after Steve'd shut off the light. Neither of them breathing very loudly, neither shifting, and neither of them falling asleep.

Something came over Bucky, he still doesn't quite know what, and that something caused him to roll over to his side, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist. Steve quickly shifted, making it easier to do this. They spooned like that for a moment, remembering the golden days when this was their norm.

Of course, Steve was only half the size he was now the last time they'd done this. In fact, Bucky was pretty sure that Steve was taller than he was at this point. But that didn't stop him from letting Bucky snuggle up behind him.

Bucky smiled into Steve's neck, letting the warm heat of his body heat his face. It was an easy time, one where Bucky had never felt so safe. Steve carefully covered Bucky's metal hand with his very human one. If it were capable, Bucky was positive it would be buzzing with the contact.

"Don't keep me aware of that horrible thing." Bucky whispered drowsily into Steve's ear. "I don't want any reminders of what they did to me in those facilities. Just give me the simple pleasure of remembering the days before all this shit happened. I don't want to be the Winter Soldier anymore. I just want to be Bucky."

"But you were the Winter Soldier." Steve sighed, curling his back just a little bit more. "I'm not saying you're him anymore, because you most certainly aren't. But you were him at one point, and you were Bucky at once too. And now you're you. You're neither of them, you're a new man. And this is a part of you," Steve squeezed the metal hand, "although it doesn't have to be used to hurt people, like it was originally made to."

"Oh yeah?" Bucky asked against Steve's neck, already dozing off, "like what?"

"You could start by using your hand to hold mine."

Bucky was to far gone to sleep to remember what he responded to that cheesy-ass line.

~~~As always, I hope you enjoyed this chappie. If you have any suggestions for one-shots, feel free to message me of leave a comment. Stay Sparkly -SparkleWolf~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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