Chapter 19: Turbulent Test

Start from the beginning

Once Lee dropped Sasuke's leg, Neji and Tenten appeared to scold Lee about not drawing attention. Lee then turned to me with a blush on his cheeks, I giggled at Tenten's groans of 'Not this again'.

Lee took a couple confident strides towards me, I raised an eyebrow in question, I had known Lee since I started training with Guy-Sensei.

"Sakura, You have truly blossomed since we started training. Please go out with me, I will never leave your side!" Lee called out, giving me a wink and a thumbs up.

"Sorry Lee, I need to focus on my training, However I would be happy to train with you and Gai-Sensei some more" I waved my hand nonchalantly, trying to let him off easy. Lee seemed a bit deflated but didn't let that affect his mood. The black-haired boy gave me another smile as his teammates approached.

"Hey you there, Identify yourself" Neji's voice demanded of Sasuke, I rolled my eyes and tugged Naruto with me through the unguarded door and up the stairs. Sasuke caught up after a bit, his brooding-aura suffocating me.

While we were walking through the building, Lee's voice called out to us. I turned around with a large Cheshire grin, My hand sneaking towards one of my seals and taking a camera from it. I held the small camera and waited for the fight to start. This video would be precious, A family heirloom to humiliate the Uchiha.

'BAGAHAHHAA' Inner barked a loud laugh with an evil grin on her face, She laced her fingers and got into a brooding pose,mocking the ravenette.

Rock Lee jumped down from the railing gracefully and landed silently, like a true ninja. In the end Rock Lee beat Sasuke's ass and got in trouble for attempting to use a forbidden technique. The challenge ended quickly with Lee being the victor, I giggled at the boys reactions to Guy and wondered how the entire ass landscape changed to a sunset.

'It's not Genjutsu....'

I wasn't sure what to feel when Guy and Lee began to cry and have some homo moment between them.




We were finally at the door to the exams, I felt the skin at the back of my neck tingle at the thought of all the loot I could gather. I quickly checked my weapon pouches before we entered the room, I had everything I required to kick ass and steal shit. While thinking of killing people was a horrible thought I realzed that it wouldn't matter because they would try to kill me as well.

I heard the shrieking sound of Ino's voice, I winced as it got closer to where I stood, However I could not stop the snickers that escaped as Ino jumped the sulking emo, My eyes brightened as Shikamaru and Choji walked up with the blonde girl.

"Shika-kunnn" I beamed at the brunette with a nod, Shikamaru answered with a 'troublesome' and my smile only grew. Soon Team 8 also joined the fray, The sight of Akamaru making me squeal in pure happiness.

"Well what do ya know, It looks like the whole gang's back together again"

I giggled when Hinata greeted Naruto with a blush, It was so obvious and yet the blonde knucklehead never seemed to clue in. Shino inclined his head in a silent greeting, I returned the action with a small smile.

Shino and I were besties per say but he was really nice and patient, He never got loud and our theory conversations were always interesting and entertaining.

"Man everyone is here for this stupid thing" Shikamaru groaned as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

I zoned out and focused on the other Genin teams around, They seemed to be glaring at our group, I glared back and stepped back from the group. The presence of a snake snapped me out of my daze and felt my eyebrow involuntarily twitch.

'Kabuto' Inner hissed in distaste, I couldn't help but agree.

'The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes, Something that we have in common. While I dislike Kabuto, His character type is one of the strongest, Orochimaru, Itachi, Kabuto and Shikamaru and I. While our personalities are different we all observe and use our intellect to our advantage during battles.

"Hey guys, You might wanna try to keep it down a little, No offence but you're the nine rookies right? Fresh outta the academy? You might wanna quiet down" Kabuto tilted his head in a way that made his glasses gleam slightly.

I winced when Ino's annoying voice yelled at the silver-haired man child, I gripped Ino's shoulder hard in a way that made her yelp. Kabuto replied and supplied his name, Ino turned to me with a grimace on her pale face.

"What the hell was that forehead?" Ino shriek-whispered at me with a twisted look on her face.

"You are effectively painting a target on your team's back, You scream and shriek, I look forward to beating you in the exams." I smirked mercilessly, I did not care for Ino that much anymore. Tenten was great and so was Hinata but I could never stand Ino. While the blonde girl was nice for a little while during the academy apparently she thought that Sasuke was the apple of my eye. In all seriousness, Shikamaru was the pineapple of my eye.

The chat between my teammates and Kabuto flew by quickly, He was now revealing his info cards. While I did find it humorous that he collected info like pokemon cards I did want some info on those Kusa nin...

"Hey, can I see the Kusa nin? They look really creepy and really strong... I wanna know if they live up to their appearance!" I spoke childishly almost, Trying to sound like the stereotypical genin girl. I felt Shikamaru's questioning gaze on the back of my head but I flipped my hair back and signalled with a hand sign behind my back.

"Heheh, Its seems like I don't have anything on them, that's strange..." Kabuto trailed off with a sharp look in his eyes, I blinked a couple of times looking disappointed but perked up when Sasuke mentioned Racoon-Chan.




"MY NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI, AND I'M GOING TO BEAT EVERY ONE OF YA. BELIEVE IT!" Naruto exclaimed with a goofy grin on his face, Ino shrieked about Naruto getting us killed but I merely rolled my eyes.

After a couple of sharp quips about Naruto's loud voice, separate Genin teams glared and the sound team jumped forward to attack Kabuto. I studied their movements with interest and watched how Dosu used subtle sound waves to attack Kabuto. At first the silver-haired boy's glasses cracked, then he fell to the floor and puked his breakfast up. I scrunched my nose but continued toward him and helped him off the ground.

"Seems like you're not such a tough guy after all' The bandaged teen rasped, his lone eye wide with excitement.

"ALL RIGHT YOU BABY-FACED DEGENERATES- PIPE DOWN AND LISTEN UP" Ibiki magically spawned in with a puff of smoke, I snickered slightly to myself as the room was instantly silent.

"It's time to begin. I am Ibiki Morino, your proctor. From this moment your worst enemy" He smirked, the scar along his face lifting.




After Ibiki explained the rules and everyone sat down, The first part of the exam officially started.

I glanced around the room with an anya-like grin, the written test was quite easy. I wrote answers out left and right, before long my test was finished.

'I know Ino will come to get our answers, let's create a barrier and push her out. Maybe leave her off with a Genjutsu, I dunno. I think it would be pretty funny if she happened to draw genitalia all over her worksheet.' I snickered at the idea with Inner, She was going to learn her lesson for trying to take over my body.

I flipped the back of the paper over and started writing inspirational quotes to Ibiki about his lack of hair.

'You may have lost your hair, but you did not lose your inner baddy.' I couldn't help it as a few giggles escaped me, causing Ibiki to yell for it to be silent. I felt the prodding of Ino's soul in my head as she tried to take over, Inner pushed her out and sent her off with a genjutsu in tow. The genjutsu practically took barely any chakra and was quite efficient, in a few minutes Ino's paper was completely covered in scribbled genitalia.

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