My opinion on certain things about NNT (Part 2)

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Again sorry if I offend anyone of you in any way but those are just my opinions.

-(a opinion that was bought up by  Prettiias_n1c0le) Diane and especially Elizabeth get a lot of hate for stupid reasons. Like people are saying that Elizabeth is a "pick me" for liking Meliodas or say that she is useless even though she is the reason why half of the NNT cast is still alive.

-As for Diane: she is a strong girl and she only wanted to be noticed by her crush she wasn't a toxic person about it really and she eventually got over it and moved on. People say she is annoying too. Yes Diane is naive and her backstory is the most "boring" from all of all of the sins but she isn't a bad character

-Ok you guys all know how much I love Sariel and Tarmiel but I have to say they aren't really "good people" Yes they helped Elizabeth by saving Monspeed and Derieri but it was also their job in someway (Elli could have died if they didn't help her).
But think about it, they literally made a bet on how many demons they can kill which if humans would do that in war would seems... I can't even find a word for it but it would be weird.

-Drole's and Gloxinia's redemption arc's were the best out of the whole series.

-the Chaos ark wasn't that good it felt pretty rushed 😬

-Lets be real: there is no wonder why Mael became the Angel of death after he literally grew up with people all around him who were serial killers. (I mean half of the NNT verse is)

-a part of me is asking herself how Bartra can still be so nice and calm even after Everything that happened to him. Like think about it there was so much sh* going on his life.

-I don't get the thing with people saying that Sariel and Tarmiel have a "father-Son relationship" Since when? They are best friends and we all know it, can anyone tell me where Tarmiel was ever like a Father to Sariel?

If anyone has more please tell me in the comments so that I can add them if I agree to them.

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