"I found her at the local gas station, some idiot slashed her tire, I told her we had that pickup truck sitting there so we can use that to get her back on track" Billie informed Ariana.

"Oh you must be going to the festival" Ariana smiled widely.

I chuckled "yes I am" I went with what she was saying "I'm just trying to get to my friends as soon as possible, they're waiting on me" something about these two didn't seem right.

"Well I mean you do have plenty of time because of course it's not till Friday and it's only Wednesday" Ariana said as she picked up her gardening supplies.

"You must at least have dinner with us and meet the others" Billie said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Of course" I said with a nervous smile on my face.

"Daisy you have done it again" Ariana said as she eat the food her friend Daisy made. "Isn't this just absolutely gorgeous Sarah" she said to me.

I smiled and eat more "it is, thank you" I said to her friend Daisy to which she put her hands together and gave a small smile.

I need to keep remembering that I told them my name was Sarah.

"So" I turned to Billie who was right beside me "do you think that we can go out in the pickup truck after this" before Billie could even respond to me Ariana was speaking.

"Why the rush, stay over the night relax and then we can get you back on the road again" she eat more of her food.

I chuckled "I wish I could" I picked at my food "I just have to get to my friends".

"I'm sure they would understand plus Billie are you not tired" Ariana looked over at Billie.

"I am a little" she scrunched up her face "would be okay if we go first thing in the morning, I promise Sarah I'll get you there before one" she seemed sincere.

"Sure that's no worries".

"Sarah" Chloe, one of the many friends that was staying here came into my room "Ariana said if you want you can have a quick therapy session" she smiled.

They're all very smiley around here "therapy" I said confused.

"Trust me she's amazing".

"You came" Ariana said as I walked into the zen room.

"Chloe told me you're amazing so why not" Ariana then came up to hug me.

"You have really good energy just vibrating off of you" she then motioned for me to sit.

"How are you feeling Sarah" she than sat down crossing her legs in front of me.

"Good" was all I came out with and I could tell by her face she wanted more.

"Okay" she dragged out "tell me about your friends that you are seeing" I smiled a little at the thoughts of my old friends. I really wish I was seeing them. Everything changed after that night.

"What about them" I asked and she chuckled.

"How about this, every time I snap my fingers you say your name. Let it be our grounding point when you want to stop talking. Fair" she asked.

"I think I could do that" I laughed a little as did she. I could tell she was liking the fact that I said I sentence there.

"Who is your favourite artist that is playing at this festival" she got me there.

I paused for a moment. I haven't even heard about a festival, let alone what kind of artists are playing at it "I can't pick" I rubbed the back of my neck "all of them" I chuckled but Ariana did not.

"How about Frank Ocean, he's good right" she looked deeply into my eyes "are you excited to see him" I nodded.

"Yep" I said shortly, I think I only know one of his songs.

Ariana started to laugh "silly me Frank Ocean is playing at the festival this year, that was last year" she continued laughing "how time flies" she knew I was lying.

She then snapped her fingers "name".

"Sarah" I said quickly.

"When was the last time you saw your friends" I felt my face tighten. "Just relax into the memory, this is your safe space" she started at me deeply, as if she was looking right through me.

"About a year ago" I could already feel my eyes tear up "we were at my place just hanging out, some of my family were over too" I paused and Ariana was quick to snap her fingers.



"Who was there" she asked.

"My friend Jordan and Grace" I was letting the tears flow effortlessly down my face without rubbing them.

"What can you see".

I stopped for a moment remembering everything.

"Y/n what did you do" I could hear my mom yell.

"I see milk spilled on the carpet" Ariana hummed.

"What colour was the milk" she smirked knowing she was getting into my head.

"It was red I sobbed" putting my head into my arms.

Ariana's fingers snapped "Name".


She snapped them again "name".


"Was your mom there" she put her hand in mine to comfort me.

I nodded "what did you mom say about the spilled milk" it was as if she had a trance on my mind that or I was just finally done with running away.

"She cried, a lot and yelled Y/n what did you do".

"What did you do" I looked down at my hands. It felt like I was back in that moment.

"Name" I heard Ariana's fingers snapping me out of it.

"Sarah" she snapped her fingers again.


"Y/n" she squeezed my hand.

"Very good, very good" she repeated.

Every time I blinked I was back there.

"What did you do" I looked down at my bloody hands "Y/n" she came up to me "what happened" I said nothing that made her slap me, knocking me out.

I felt a weight on me "hey" I felt it again. I slightly opened my eyes to see Ariana shoving me awake "there you are" she smiled widely "you must've not gotten a nights sleep in years" she giggled.

"What day is it" I looked outside to see that it was daytime again.

"That doesn't matter, what does is that I need you downstairs for the ceremony" she rubbed my forearm.

"The ceremony" I asked confused making her laugh.

"You're so funny I'm giving you fifteen minutes to get your robe on" what she done next surprised me.

Ariana put her hand on my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. Her lips felt soft and warm. The kiss gave me a sense of comfort along with confusion.

Sorry for any errors. Thanks for reading! Also if anyone has any good book recommendations from other authors. Comment them below :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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