"No, no... nothing like that," Wille interrupted, shaking his head. "It's just that they had a party when I first got here-"

"Oh really?! And you never told me?" Erik smiled, a teasing glint in his eyes that Wille loved.

"Shut up," Wille grinned. "The booze they served, it was so strong... I barely had any and—"

"And what?" Erik smirked. "Did you get into trouble again? Do something you shouldn't?"

Wille tilted his head back, groaning. Erik could read him too well. He looked back at his phone, with a half-grin. "Let's just say there was this girl-"

"Oh my! This is getting interesting! What's her name?"

"You know her. Felice Ehrencrona."

Erik looked shocked. "My little brother with Felice! Just that night?"

Wille ducked his head, letting his hair fall into his face. Eventually he peered out towards the phone. "Um, no... we are kind of a thing, I guess."

It was a full five minutes of being relentlessly teased before his brother settled down a bit.

"Anyways, you never answered my original question. About the booze at the party-"

"Oh right, the love potion, apparently. Maybe I should get some. Haven't dated anyone seriously for ages," Erik said, mostly to himself. "There's students who don't board at the school. Everyone calls them non-res students. Sometimes they bring stuff in. Drugs, moonshine-"

"Moonshine? Seriously?" Wille was feeling even more sheltered as this conversation went on. Was the booze he'd had at parties at his old school been moonshine too? It hadn't seemed that strong...

"Be careful, Wille. I know it's part of being young to try that stuff, it don't do it too much, OK? And only with people you trust."

"Keep up appearances, right," Wille sighed, running his hand through his hair.


Friday, November 18th:

"Maybe they will discover they have hay fever?" Wille whispered into Felice's ear. She smelled nice, a light floral scent.

She turned her head reply. "They are in tall grass, not hay."

He could tell from her tone that she was smiling, and he shifted closer to her, taking her hand in his. Her skin was soft and smooth.

"Hay is dried grass, stupid," he whispered back, with a sweet tone.

She let out a bark of laughter at that, clamping her hand over her mouth to stifle any more noises. Even so, their classmates near them told her to be quiet.

But Felice had a case of the giggles, and she jumped up to leave the room. Wille followed her.

He found her down the stairs, in an alcove off from the dining hall. She was looking out a dark window, her shoulders still shaking with repressed laughter.

Clasping her shoulders, he turned her around and took her in a hug, chuckling along with her. "It wasn't that funny. Just a dumb joke."

"I know. But when combined with such a stupid horror movie... the whole situation just set me off," Felice explained, tilting her face up towards his.

Wille grinned. "It is a horrible movie."

Felice chuckled. "I was hoping for a really scary show, so you would need to comfort me."

"Well, I'm doing that now, aren't I?" Wille hugged her again. It felt good. She was a curvy girl, fitting nicely against his slim angles.

Next time she tilted her face up, he leaned in, giving her a proper kiss. They adjusted, getting even closer, and the kiss deepened. It felt nice, but after a few minutes, Wille pulled back.

Closing Doors (Wilmon AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें