Changing Things

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Ch.3 Changing Things

This story is always in the Third Person P.O.V

This Ch. is 2909 words long.

Sitting in the living room, Tanjiro and Tengen examined the rectangular screen that had connected them with an unknown man the day before. As they watched, Tanjiro asked, "Are those images moving?" The screen displayed a man performing stand-up comedy, his voice echoing through the room as he entertained a sizable audience.

"Eh, does seem to be!" Tengen added, "It feels so real, like it's all happening right in front of us," Tanjiro observed, his eyes glued to the screen. Although he felt a sense of familiarity towards the man, he couldn't quite place where he had seen him before. Nevertheless, he decided to push that feeling aside for the moment and continue watching the performance with Tengen.

Aoi was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen, making sandwiches for everyone. As the morning progressed, the rest of the household slowly emerged from their rooms. Although Aoi was still unfamiliar with some of the kitchen appliances, she was starting to understand their functions. For instance, she recognized that the large door with ample space inside could keep things cold and fresh (refrigerator). Likewise, she learned that the small metal box could be used for baking, provided the correct temperature and timing were set.

As she worked on making breakfast, Aoi couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as she thought back to her own experiences learning how to cook. She remembered how everything had initially seemed so confusing, but with time and practice, she had slowly begun to grasp the basics.

Suddenly, Inosuke's loud voice shattered her reverie. "MOI, IS THE BREAKFAST READY!" he shouted from the dining table. Aoi looked up and smiled, shaking her head at the young man. "Almost!" she replied, her focus returning to the task at hand.

Inosuke impatiently waited for breakfast while Zenitsu and Rengoku sat nearby, sipping tea. Zenitsu's eyes widened in awe as he peeked over Rengoku's shoulder, admiring the magazine's stunning models and their avant-garde fashion sense.

"Wow, this is amazing! The fashion in this era is so cool!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and wonder. Rengoku grinned, his enthusiasm for life shining through. "Yes, it's quite a sight to behold! These models are truly beautiful, and the photography is simply exquisite. I find myself getting lost in these pages." Together they continued admiring the magazine.

Yoriichi sat on the couch with Tengen and Shinobu, sipping tea and discussing the ins and outs of their respective occupations. As Shinobu spoke about the hospital she ran for demon hunters, Yoriichi listened intently, nodding thoughtfully as he absorbed the information.

Tengen, on the other hand, was more interested in sharing his own experiences. "Man, I can assure you, the Butterfly Mansion is one hell of a scary place!" he exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Shinobu simply took a sip of her tea, unfazed by Tengen's theatrics. Yoriichi took another sip of his tea as Tengen continued to regale them with tales of the Butterfly Mansion. "Why is it so scary?" Yoriichi asked, intrigued by Tengen's vivid descriptions.

"It's all thanks to Shinobu's rehabilitation training," Tengen explained, a shiver running down his spine. "You wouldn't like it, I swear! Especially if you're a Hashira!" Shinobu nodded in agreement. She then turned to Yoriichi with a curious look in her eye. "And what about you, Yoriichi? What is your rank as a demon hunter?"

Yoriichi smiled wryly. "Hashira," he said simply, placing his cup back on the table.

Tengen let out a strange noise, earning a bemused look from Shinobu. "And what breath style do you use?" Tengen asked eagerly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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