What we call the beginning The time

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Here I am,obliviously getting picked on oh yeah I am the nerd the Jonky
guy,the freak and others well you could call me what the hell you freaking like cause well I don't two fucks about what you think about me ! We'll my name is Alexander Grey oh yes if you've heard anything about me their all lies I'm telling you.As usual I wake up around 3:50am not because I want to, noooooo ! Because I have to. First thing, brush my teeth well it's quite obvious that I don't brush my teeth every time ok ,but at least twice a week oh shit you caught me once a week at least you get golden teeth to flex about .Today is a special edition,I'm going to send you deep into my life I mean my story and anything i tell you is between you and me you got it, hope you do understand or you will be sorry you didn't understand HIW (for those lousy loser who don't know any thing it's here I was even I know that ) putting on my school uniform was one of the last things I thought I will ever do but it so happens to be one of the many first things I did first...?Well we wouldn't say my father is the richest man on earth ok we wouldn't also he is a rich man either. You could tell by the car he drives it is quite embarrassing no very embarrassing because one,the car well looks like a...umm .How do you call it these days ? A truck that looks like a tracker two it's parked by fancy looking expensive cars that are owned by my friends?well not friends maybe call them classmates, haters bullies you know the rest right. I only got into this school because my father works at the pest control in the school shh! Don't tell 'cause you'll ruin my life a least what it is left if it remind not to repeat this. To just my lack a trip out of the car into the rough cold gravel on the floor just in time for Justin and his "crew" to see,as they always say the second week hurts the most .Tons of laughter came howling down at me. Though I already knew that justin and his crew were the ones laughing at me but I couldn't help but check if they were really the ones crying their butts out on me. Not to my surprise
It was him but not only him but him and the whole entire school. Enjoy my life, three times in a role.

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