That was strange, I mean it's normal for Rach to skip here and there but never have I ever seen her-

"Hello, my name is Andrew Stone and I am currently a junior at Tree Hill High." I heard my voice introduce making me almost get whiplash by how fast I looked at the nearest screen. "In the year that this is released, I hope I got to accomplish my dream of playing in the NBA. I know it's a cliche for players to say that but I wish it comes true. So I can say my name is up there with the greats and feel like I fulfilled my goal, Also I can say I proved someone wrong which is always a good feeling."

I kept my eyes on the screen but I didn't hear my voice, just a ringing. A ringing that sounds absolutely irritating. I could see myself speaking until tore my eyes to look around me. Every single student's attention was on the time capsule excluding the short glances at me. There wasn't a secret I was scared of anyone finding out, but then my eyes fell on Brooke who was starting so intensely.

And just like that, I could hear myself again but now I wasn't so calm as I turned my head back to the tv.

"I also got to meet this incredible girl. Her name is Brooke Penelope Davis or what I like to call her, the designer." I shut my eyes momentarily. "And let me tell you she is the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. She's funny, adventurous, caring, and extremely breathtaking. It's funny, I was dragged to go to a party and thought I was going to hate it, but I ended up meeting the girl that has captured my heart, and I don't think she even knows it."

I hear myself pause and that is when I'm hit with the realization of what's going to be said next.

"So in fifty years, I hope I gathered enough courage to tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life with that gorgeous girl. It might be early in our relationship to say this to your face but I love you." my laughter came afterward, "Never thought I would say this for the first time to a camera." Recorded me shaking my head before retiring to the main point. "And if I need to say it, I hope there is a day I get to call you my amazing wife." I can feel some eyes on me but my head faced the girl this was for, unlike earlier she met my eyes. I could see the look I was too familiar with.

I saw her take one step toward me and that was enough for me to rush out of the school. Not caring about anything else. Anything to avoid her after that embarrassing video.

Stupid feelings.

Third Person POV

So as Andrew left the halls, too distracted to hear that the next video to play was Brooke herself. Which made the brunette stop in her track instead of going after him.

"In fifty years I should have all the hot people
wearing my fashionable clothes which includes me obviously." She teased with a smirk before continuing, "Also I hope I'm still in touch with my amazing friends 'cause I know we didn't go through all this drama to have a fallout after high school. But, there is one specific person I hope will be there during all those years. A guy that I have been drawn to since the first day I ever met him."

Peyton took her eyes off the screen to see down the crowded passageway was a very focused Lucas that had a slight smile, she then glanced at her best friend beside her who was also too caught up in the capsule. At that moment, she knew which guy Brooke was talking about and it was definitely not the one in the hall.

"Especially his eyes, I mean he's hot trust me but his eyes are just so.. mesmerizing!" She yelled after finding the word she was looking for. "Not only that, he seemed so sincere and kind. And he has yet to prove me wrong about that. He might be a basketball player but he is also a little cheerleader. Always encouraging me to put my designs into an actual physical piece which is something I would have laughed at earlier this year, but now I feel like I can actually turn that into reality."

A laugh from the brunette came after as she started to talk again with a smile on her face.

"You know I'm telling a camera all this but I don't think he even knows how much he has changed in my perspective. I actually feel like myself when I'm around him and not a girl that has to pretend to be someone I'm not. He makes me feel like I was never alone cause he's always there. Either to go out someplace or just talk on the porch. Which doesn't sound exciting, but when you're with the right person nothing else seems to matter."

Brooke felt her heart was pounding out of her chest as she watched her Junior self looked so deeply in love and it pained her to watch.

"We've only been together for a short amount of time, yet I know that this is the man I can see myself spending the rest of my life with. There are some past feelings I have to confront, I don't know how or when but all I do know is that I love him."

The girl pauses for a minute with a shocked expression before it turned into a smile.

"I love him...I am in love with Andrew Stone. Wow! What a way to figure it out huh?" Soft laughter followed the words before she kept going.

"Uh well, I think I've shared enough about my romantic life with you but there is just one more thing I want to sharewith you all. So if you're watching this in twenty-fifty-five,- "

And just like that present-day Brooke was broken out of the trance she was in as a wave of horror took over.

"There really needs to be some sort of record of my body at its peak!" As Brooke on the monitor started pulling off her shirt.

"We have to turn this off right now!" Present Brooke said to Peyton as the video kept playing. "Can somebody do something?!" Panicking as she looked around for help. Yet most of the students just seemed to be enjoying it. "Somebody needs to do something. Excuse me!" Shoving a student to the side to grab a chair. "No, no, no, there's nothing to see here, people." Raising the chair to hit the tv as Screen Brooke was about to pull her bra undone then the power goes out. 

The crowd of students groaned in disappointment as Brooke lowered the chair, sighing in relief. Then at that moment, the power went on autopilot and came back on. The video resumed where it left off which earned a cheer from the crowd.

Brooke laid her head on the shoulder of her best friend, humiliated. She then pulled her head back up, only for her eyes to meet Lucas's.

The 'secret' is out.

Well just for the clueless Scott brother.

Not Edited

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