Rock & Star

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There's a high school somewhere among provinces in Thailand, where students who wished to take parts to be one of their school student, must excels in playing instruments; don't care what instrument it is, as long as it could produce sounds and voices, it will be classified as a music instruments.

That's a music school if u wanted a short summarize the paragraph above.

Every student must be able to play at least one music instrument. That's the major requirement to pass the examination; apart from those compulsory written tests.

And so, since we're in gen Z now, youngsters nowadays do get along so well in this industry. One could play various instruments, one could play and sing altogether, one can even compose songs by using electronic devices (ipad, virtual kalimba, etc.).

No wonder this music school gets a long list of participants who wished to roll to that school. It exceeded the board's estimated intakes for this year. But well... they managed to control the intakes, and choose the best among the best, so its not a surprise that all of the student were pros at their respective classes.

Welp. That a bit long for an opening for this short story lol.

Oh, I forget to tell to y'all my readers.

In this school, since its a music school, of course they have a representative band. A famous band named Chanzalla, which contained 6 members and all of them were in their 12th grade (senior year). That band hard carried the school name to that province for 2 years, thanks to those 6 talented members and especially to their band leader, who also the band's singer,

Gemini Nattawat.

This band, they started to get famous thanks to him. He himself created the band, recruit his own allies and bring forth of his band names to the top of the world.

He seemed an amazing person right? flawless, perfect and a great student.

Little that those students, teachers and y'all my readers knew, a biggest secret kept hidden underneath him and his band.


"Gem. Just let him in already. Its been 3 hours. Lunch hour also will start in 2 minutes. What if people get suspicious with what we're doing now?"

The leader understands how concerned his bassist voiced. He listened to all of his bandmates in these 3 hours they've spend together practicing's in their music club. All of them but the band leader agreed to let that new nong in.

So, why's the hesitation in Gemini's heart? Bandmates should work together and have one decision or agreement in one voice after all. 

Gemini heaved a big sigh from his mouth. He walked to the club door, taking a few moments to calm himself and unlock the door.

In a split second, a big smiles was beamed towards him and without warning, the boy (the argumentum nong in debate) leaped at him, giving a big hug,

as always.



Yep. Everyday. This new student, or should we introduce him as Fourth Norawit, is an 11th grade student, just entered the school this June, which 3 months late than the other intakes, because of him get scouted.

He's a rare cases. In fact, this school was the one who scouted him on streets, when Fourth here were in the middle of playing bass among the crowds. Although they're recruiting, they made Fourth did the examinations too and the results is only two words; outstanding, talented.

Definitely a special case.

And this news of recruiting made several students in the school felt uneasy. You know, when a rumored great musician will joining your school, rivalries will be prevailed higher among them.

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