shall we, mi amor?

Start from the beginning

Narcissa nods back and stands up with the family codex in her hands, she lights her wand green and enters the arena.

"Why arena?" Hotwick a second-year muggleborn asks.

"They used to have honor duel to death there, quite bloody those days." Melania sighs dreamily as if imagining herself amidst the bloodshed.

Alphard slowly edges away from his aunt.

WARWICK: State your name, claimant.

NARCISSA: Narcissa of the House of Black.

WARWICK: State your claim then, Narcissa of House of Black.

LUCIUS leans forward eager to finally have the power of the House of Black commanded by him.

"Lucius, why?" Abraxas sighs.

The Black sisters meet each other's eyes and blink, plotting to make dear Lucy suffer.

Many lighthouses are seen sneering and grimacing at the thought of one more vote to the dark faction. The neutral houses look unnerved at the possibility of the House of Black in control of the Malfoys.

NARCISSA: I Narcissa of the House of Black claim the seat of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black----

There is silence, and stillness in the hall as they wait for the magic to respond to deny or approve Narcissa's claim. But Narcissa does not stop, she continues much to the disbelief of Lucius, who realizes something is wrong.

"He finally realizes it!"

NARCISSA:---- For the rightful Lord of the Blacks, Alkaid Cassiopeia Black-----

"Cissy darling I take back every bad comment I ever made! You are clearly GOAT."

Narcissa smiles sweetly yet her eyes are sharp, "Siri are you calling me a goat?"

Regulus facepalms.

Sirius pales rapidly and shakes his head as he sees his cousin's hand slowly edging towards her wand. "I would not dare! I meant GOAT, not a goat!"

Narcissa twirls her wand in her hand, "What?"

"GOAT means Greatest Of All Time--it's a muggle slang, Cissy I would never call you a goat!" Sirius says frantically shaking his head in denial.

"See that you don't or you will end up as a goat." Narcissa smiles again.

Sirius blanches as his imagination runs wild and shows him a scene of him as a goat being served on the dinner table and a knife approaching him.

Sharp intakes of breaths and surprised faces are shown all around the hall, Lucius Malfoy looks murderous and betrayed, and confused.

NARCISSA: May magic bless her.

CW WARWICK: ALKAID CASSIOPEIA BLACK step forward and acknowledge your claim in front of the blessed council.

DUMBLEDORE(stands up): This is unprecedented, there is no Alkaid Black on the Hogwarts registry!

"How is that even relevant?" Rabastan asked confused.

"As if anything he says is." Rodolphus tsks.

Whispers grow louder at the proclamation.

A lone wand is raised up from the viewer's gallery, and a figure steps forward as the people part for it, dressed elegantly in a formal black with a silver embroidery of the lapels and borders made up of etched gold threads.

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