chapter 2 Victim

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After the ghostface went outside of the building. You made sure he really was gone, after that you went to your appartement building sneakily Since you didn't wanted to people taken suspicion on you. You open your appartement door and when you opened it you were greeted by your Scottish fold cat sleeping in the counter seemingly sleeping like sleeping beauty.

You chuckled and Closed the door and Locking the door.

You: fucking hell...I should go take a bath. I smell disgusting like I was an entire Garbage Filled with dead animals...

You took of your mask and went to your room to grab some fresh Comfortable clothes And went to the Bathroom taking an lovely bath.

As you grabbed your (f/s) (Fav Scent) Shampoo. You thought about that ghostface. You thought he could be kinda hot Beneath The Mask. You have a mask kink since you first watched a slasher movie, after you saw the killer who was you guessed it. Wearing a mask. I mean who could blame you? Everyone has their one Creepy or bizarre Kink like when you gathered an info for an killer, you found out that the guy who later on became A dead Meat had a blood kink. Even period kink. The blood kink was kinda alright to you but for the period kink... The only that could describe your feeling about that info wanted to scream and threw up but you didn't. But wished to.

After thinking About the ghostface and put Shampoo all over your body hair to toe. You just Sat there while you felt The drop water Touching your soft skin. After some times you realized that the Water started to be cold. You jumped because of how sudden it was and quickly Stopped the shower. You looked at yourself in the mirror and stared at it for a good 2 minutes then just dress up as if it was nothing.

You laid in your bed and watched the ceilling who's it was full of Photo of the killer you helped and some random pictures you took with your Camera. You looked at the time and it was... 11:50 PM... fuck you started at 12:00 PM luckily. You Closed the Light and put some Blanket to cover the window since you didn't wanted to have Sunlight in your face. You closed your eyes and drove off in a Light sleep. You always woke up when there was a slight Noises such as: when someone Close the door or Open the door, when you hear someone calling your name and many more. How did this happen? Fuck you don't know, you're mother once it was maybe because of the horror movie's that you always watch but heh you didn't have the answer.

10:59 AM

You woke up still slightly tired, you went to your bathroom and Do your hair. Then went to the kitchen And make yourself some Pancake with Honey milk tea cuz why not? You went over Bitch Trays (Yes it your cat names in this story and it's a reference on a Horror movie, can you guess it? :) ) you put some Cat food and also cat milk. Your cat immediately Went to the food. You pet her head gently. For a moment she licked your hand and then went to eat half of her food before going on probably where she usually go to take a shit. You then Proceeded to eat your food and also watched the news

Tv reporter: police have found a dead body in this town called (insert your town name). The investigator have found the id of the victim near the crime scene. Her name was lilianne Sherryson. A 22 years old woman who who was a well know Waitress in a bar. People say that she wasn't a very welcoming person. She would often go on and break the ego of someone or People self-esteem. Some of her clients also said that she would often flirt with boys with girlfriends to break their relationship, and many more bad thing. Her back was covered with Stabs and according to the investigator. She got hit by something in the head which would caused her to loose consciousness. While being unconscious,The Culprit stabbed the woman's back more than 37 times in back. One of the most creepy thing That was found in the crime scene was a picture of an masked ghostface sitting in the back of the victim, an knife who is probably a buck 102 knife Piercing through the back of the woman. Police is still trying to get some Proof and things that could be useful for searching the culprit. Be careful, don't forget to lock the door. The police will try to find the Ghostface masked killer as fast as possible and maybe find the "ghost informer", the one who helped alot of killer's. People have been speculated that the ghost informer Went to our town and helped the ghost informer. Although we aren't sure yet if the Rumor's are correct. Now The let's talk about something different.

You closed the tv and with a quiet voice you said:

You: fuck... they found out... they didn't even thought that maybe i was here since Childhood. I'll be surprised if they found out that i was always here.

I looked at the time and realized it was 11:30 AM. FUCK. You took a whole bite of your Pancake and drank your Beverage quick. You went to your room and got dressed, you brushed your teeth as fast you can and checked the time again. 11:38 AM. You are not coming in time if you just walked. You grab a bag and put your shoes there and took your roller shoes you shut the door and locked it and quickly went outside and went to your other job.

Finally that chapter is done oh and My birthday was the 15th april soo happy late birthday to meee <33

ghostface dbd x Ghostface! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora