
Thursday, November 10th

After a few meals, it all became part of his daily routine. Sitting with his cousin and the third years, listening to their inane chatter. Thinking to himself, Just one year, and these wankers will be gone...

"Did you hear what that little socce boy said in their civics class?" Johan commented, filling his water glass from a pitcher. "He was complaining how tax evasion was worse than welfare cheats and implied the monarchy were the biggest welfare receivers!!"

August nudged Wille's shoulder. "That's so ridiculous! Your family devotes their whole lives into serving others. It's not like you have a choice about it either...you have to follow traditions."

Wille nodded along at first, but then looked up when he noticed he wasn't being judged for who he is, for once. These guys have similar lives, trying to follow in their families' footsteps, feeling the same pressure to do well. They all have busy, distant parents.

Nils leaned closer to Wille. "So, what happened at your old school? Were you kicked out for fighting?"

It had been a couple weeks now, the bruise on his cheekbone mostly faded. It felt like so long ago, with so many changes in his life since then.

Shrugging a shoulder, Wille met Nils' dark eyes. "It started out like any party. Drank a bit, but I wasn't drunk or anything. It was too crowded, for sure, and some assholes decided to take about fifty photos of me. I tried to leave, and it ended up with some shoving. I'm sure you saw that part in the videos."

"And your friends didn't help you? Tell those wankers to fuck off?" Johan asked, his eyes wide with shock. He'd probably never been in a fight his whole life.

August draped his arm along the back of Wille's chair. "They weren't your kind of people."

The conversation went on to other things, but Wille thought back to that fateful night. Where had his friends been when it was happening? Or afterwards? It showed they really didn't give a fuck about him. Not really.


Monday,November 14th

"Wille on the table! Wille on the table!" It felt like everyone was thumping on the table, the silverware clinking.

Flushing, Wille eventually stood, and climbed on to his chair, just like a few other students had before him. "This is ridiculous," he said, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"It was with Felice, wasn't it?"

Wille wasn't even sure who had said it, but he couldn't deny it. "Look, I just went outside for some fresh air, and suddenly she was there. Passing me a bottle of water-"

"Yeah, but how was it?"

Shaking his head, Wille flashed through his foggy memories from that night. "I was pretty drunk-"

"Oh, come on!"

Wille knew he had to give them something, or they'd never let him off that damn chair. "What can I say? She a very beautiful girl."

That encouraged some hooting and more comments.

"That's enough, get down," August said, urging Wille to climb down. "Anyone else? Any other dick that's been sucked?"

"I never said-" Wille shook his head, looking around. But all the teenage boys were just smirking at him.

"August is just pissed because she wouldn't give him the time of day," Vincent said softly to him, grinning.

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