You and I

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(This chapter will contain 16+, if you don't want to read then skip)

Neteyam's POV

We headed back to the hut, slowly snuck into the room, layed on the bed and slowly started to fall asleep. The memory kept swelling around in my head, what had happened was one of the best moments in my life with someone. I then felt my energy leaving my own body, closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Y/n's POV

I woke up the next morning, I felt pretty good after getting enough sleep. I looked around and saw Lo'ak sleeping, but Neteyam wasn't in the room. I quietly got up and walked out without making any noises.

|30 minutes later|

It's been thirty minutes, Neteyam was nowhere to be seen. I asked the Sullys but they didn't know where he was. I had no choice but to walk into the forest myself.


I went a bit deeper into the forest, my heart was racing fast. I wasn't really comfortable of being left out here, I heard a yip, I then gasped looked around, and saw nothing. Nothing seen in sight. Until I heard something drop from behind.

I scream as I turned around to see, it was Neteyam. "Neteyam! Really?!" I said in a upsetting way. He giggled quietly, I thought to myself it wasn't funny, but I did laugh a bit. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He said in a low and deep voice. "You're parents are looking for you. Even you're siblings. How come you took off?" I asked him. He looks down at me, his glare is dangerous and cold, no words leave his mouth.

His stare scares me, I stepped back from him slowly, and he walks forward to me, my back hitting the tree. I look up at him, still says nothing. My brows furrowed, 'Say something, damn it' I thought to myself.

"Kiss me." Is all he said. I placed my lips onto his, closed my eyes. He places his hands around my waist, I squealed at the moment, while I had my hands on his shoulders. He helped me sat on the ground in front of him. Neteyam pulled away and started attack my neck, so rough that I moan, tilted my head to the side to give him more access.

I layed on my back, allowing him to crawl on top of me. "Let me remove you're top, please." He said, his voice was low. "Please do." I said innocently. He said nothing, no words. There was silence for a couple of seconds, but a sound of fabric being torn. He continued to attack my neck, which allowed me to groan. It became more rough, he started to use his teeth, which so good.

He lowered himself, kissing and sucking on my breast, while he massage the other one with his hand. Neteyam adjusted himself, biting in my neck with his teeth, became a bit aggressive, gripping on my breast which hurted me.

"Neteyam- AHH! My b- You're hurting me. You're squeezing it too tight." I squirm. I wasn't able to speak, the only thing I could do was groan and cry out.

He then let go and placed his arm around my waist, the other hand in my shoulder, continued to attack my neck. My nails digging into his skin as he sucked on my nipples. I thought to myself, God it felt so good.

Neteyam pulled away, adjust himself again, whispering in my ear. "Let's go back. Before we get our asses in trouble.

He helped me back up, giving me my top to put back on. That was just an amazing moment to have him... until a bomb that dropped on the ground, me and Neteyam went flying, separated.

My body hitting a tree, leaving a small scar on my stomach, as I groaned in pain. Fire was everywhere, I imagined my nightmare I had, I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't, my energy was gone, leaving me to fall to the ground. The only thing I heard was an echo.

Neteyam's POV

"Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?! Y/N! No. No. No. No." I screamed, calling out her name, as I began to worry. I seen people that did not look like Na'vi or avatars. Humans, actually. They started shooting at me as I ran, I was able to cover. I stumbled across a body, it was Y/n. "Y/n. Y/n. No. No.. I got you. I got you." I said to myself, picking up her body, bridal style.

Allowing her head to rest on my chest. I ran out of the forest, started screaming for help, and heard a screech in the sky. It was an ikran and it was Lo'ak and our mother. She landed and helped me get on her ikran behind her. "GO, GO!" I told her. Flew into the sky, and headed back to the base.

|15 minutes later|

We finally arrived, as the conch horn blows, saying that we are back. As the ikrans landed, I got off, still holding Y/n, bridal style. The rest of the family came running to us, there was chatter. My father looked at me with a disappointed look.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE OFF IN THE FIRST PLACE?! HAVING Y/N TO FIND YOU? Where the hell were you, boy?!" My father asking, scolding me for taking off without his permission. "Sir, I take responsibility for leaving-" I tried explaining but he immediately interrupted me. "EXACTLY!" "MA Jake. Someone is bleeding and is unconscious." Mother said. "Mother, it's fine." I told her in a low voice. "Just go and get patched up. Dismissed." Father said.

I walked to the hut, told Grandmother that Y/n was injured. The others were surprised. "What happened?" Tuktirey asked. Kiri ran to me, checking on Y/n to see if she was okay. "Dear, Ewya. Grandmother, can you help us?" Kiri asked. "Bring the person over" Grandmother said.

♡I See You♡ Neteyam X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora