Meeting a loser.

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Making this for a friend umm yeah
Let start!!!!!!!!!!

You were absolutely tired from another draining day at school, and now you were walking home, which only added to your exhaustion. (If you take the bus, the bus left you behind, or if you get picked up, they couldn't pick you up, I guess.)

You had your earbuds in, listening to your favorite song. That's at least one good thing that happened today. You continued walking, but you spotted the Candy Club and realized you had some money with you! It wouldn't hurt to get a snack after a long, stressful day, right?

You walked into the Candy Club, bought your favorite candy, paid, and left. Simple!

..Until you get tripped and spill the bag of your candies...

"Haha! Loser!" A voice said.

You look up to see it was Roy, some dumbass kid who thinks he can do whatever because his parents are loaded. Great.

"Uh... I'm not the one tripping people for my entertainment..? I'm the one with a life here, so I'm not sure why you're calling me a loser." You say, getting up and picking up your candy.

Roy scoffed and looked down at you, picking up the candies that were dropped... Thanks to him. "Yeah, whatever, twerp. You think you're tough shit, huh?"

You simply ignore him as you continue picking up your candy - suddenly, he steps on your hand.

"OW!" You dropped the candy you were picking up and finally paid attention to him, looking up while rubbing your hand.

"You fucking listen to me when I talk to you, cunt."

Sigh. It looks like today is going to become shitter.

AN: Tysm for reading!! A lot from this chapter was written a bit ago- I plan to post more soon!

Xoxo - Tooth/Craig

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