Chapter 10

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We arrived at the facility as fast as we could on foot and like any other people we were tired of all the walking.

"Why the hell would you come back," a voice said and there stood that same cute boy who we saw before escaping.

"Hi spidey," I said waving at him as Carter rolled his eyes at me "It's Peter and my question still stands," he said attempting to sound stern.

"Well Peter we need to meet with the grown-ups," Carter said trying to be diplomatic and I hit his arm lightly "Don't be rude Peter here let us escape last time," I said smiling at him.

"I didn't let you escape, actually, It just sounds better if I say I did," Peter said, catching himself. "Come on, follow me."

We followed Peter through a maze of corridors, which seemed to go on forever. Finally, we arrived at a door that looked promising.

"Hey guys I missed yous" I spoke, I grinned at the expressions forming after hearing my voice. 

"You two have truly lost it, why are you back," Tony said looking between me and Carter.

"We just felt it was unfair to deprive you of our amazing personalities" Carter smirked and I shook my head at his playfulness and then stopped once I remembered why we were here.

"We need help," I said and I could see Steve visibly smirk "So these are the kids that escaped," Bruce said as he cocked his head to the side not believing the words coming out of his mouth.

"I don't believe it," Clint said trying to hold in a laugh, I kept a smile on my face as I hummed "Hulk, Hawkeye I don't think we've had the pleasure," I said lifting them both in the air with my powers shaking them around a bit.

The gold wisps circled their figures and a look of fear appeared on their faces. 

"Enough," the man with the metal arm said sternly and I put the two men down.

"Calm down tin man," Carter said, "his name is James and can we please go back to how you need our help," Steve said and I nodded "Have a seat" 

I explained everything I could to the best of my ability giving as much information as I could about Sebastian and how we grew up. 

"Where's the third one?" Sam asked noticing the presence of one less person "He doesn't seem to agree with us just yet" Carter said.

"Ok got it," Tony said as he projected the screen of his computer in the air.

Various different images and snips of articles appeared on the screen. 

"Sebastian is a Hydra agent," Tony said as he scrolled through different images of Sebastian and different people apparently they were all known Hydra associates.

I looked at Tony confused the word Hydra meant nothing to me or Carter.

"Hydra is a terrorist organisation bent on world domination" James spoke quietly I could tell from his tone of voice he had personal issues with the group.

"So you're telling me this whole time we've been on the wrong side," I said taking a seat in a nearby chair, I felt like I had been hit with a brick. The proof was all in front of us and there was no denying it now.

"Sebastian manipulated you kids it's not your fault," Natasha said taking in mine and Carter's sorrowful looks 

"He raised us, he took us in, he made us who we are," Carter said in disbelief.

"How close were you guys?" Sam asked and I shook my head repeatedly as Carter gave me a sorrowful look. 

"what's not being shared," Clint said looking between me and Carter.

"He just started acting differently," I said "Different how" Steve pushed and I swallowed hard "I don't wanna talk about it," I said suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of the large group. 

"It's not important" I continued attempting to smile and I could tell everyone had lots of questions

"he's working on something" Carter spoke changing the topic and beginning to talk about what we saw earlier at our base.

As we continued to explain our situation, the Avengers listened carefully, occasionally interjecting with questions or comments. It was overwhelming but we tried our best to keep our composure and answer their questions truthfully.

"So, Sebastian has been working with Hydra all along," Tony summarized, "and you two have been unwittingly helping them"

I nodded, feeling ashamed and stupid for falling for Sebastian's lies.

"three" I corrected I knew if Lucas was here he would agree with us despite everything that happened, sure he valued Sebastian but he would never value him over the lives of innocent people.

"But we can still stop them," Steve said firmly, "with your help"

I looked up at him, surprised by his sudden confidence in us. "What can we do?" I asked wanting nothing more than to help at the moment.

"Well, you know Sebastian better than anyone and you grew up in that base," Natasha said, "so you might be able to provide us with information that we wouldn't otherwise have access to."

I nodded, understanding the importance of our knowledge about Sebastian and his plans. "We'll do whatever we can to help," Carter said.

"Good," Wanda said, "but we have to be careful. Hydra is a dangerous organization, and they won't hesitate to take drastic measures to achieve their goals."

The room fell silent as we all contemplated the gravity of our situation. We were up against a powerful organisation, but we were also in the presence of some of the world's greatest heroes.

"We'll need a plan," Bruce said, breaking the silence.

The group began to brainstorm ideas, each member contributing their unique skills and abilities. I felt a sense of awe as I watched them work together, their expertise and experience shining through in their suggestions it almost made me miss how Lucas, Carter and I used to discuss missions.

As the meeting drew to a close, Peter turned to us speaking for the first time in a while "I think you two should stay here with us until we're ready to attack" he said. 

 "Peters right we can keep you safe and give you the support you need," Tony said 

"It's not like we have a lot of other options," Carter said and I looked at Peter giving him a warm smile which he happily returned.

I looked over at Carter, who undoubtedly shared similar thoughts to me. It was a relief to know that we weren't alone in this fight and that we had the Avengers on our side.


just like hulk and hawkeye 🫣

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just like hulk and hawkeye 🫣

From darkness to lightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang