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It was a silent night, the faint sound of cars passing by, the street lights luminating the pathway while the moon reflected the beautiful pond next to where Mikey and Haruchiyo walk hand in hand.

Finals are officially over & graduation is around the corner. It's almost time for the boys to choose which direction they want to go in. The conversation has never been an easy one, Mikey wanting to stay close by with his friends and family meanwhile Haruchiyo wants to venture out into the world.

The couple take a seat on a nearby bench, Mikey resting his head on Haruchiyo's shoulder while the taller male plays with the palms of their interwoven hands.

Mikey has been off the past couple of weeks which Haru just assumes is based on the recent exams. Stress has been eating at him as well, hours of studying consuming his personal life.

Mikey lets out a sigh before lifting his head off his boyfriend's shoulder and letting go of his hand. Haru looks over to the smaller male who is still looking outwards towards the pond, face neutral devoid of any emotion.

"Let's break up," says Mikey, not sparing Haruchiyo a glance.

Silence lingers between them as Haru feels the world around him come to a halt, blood rushing rapidly to his ears. The only noises being heard of those from his own heart beat. He takes in a deep breath and swallows deeply, his mouth dry.

"W-why, Mikey don't joke around like that," he says desperately praying this is some sick joke.

Mikey's black eyes finally meet glossy green ones, "I'm not joking Haruchiyo, we've been together long enough and it's time to let go."

Haru reaches out for Mikey's hand intertwining their fingers, the act being one-sided as Mikey makes no attempt to return the gesture. "Please don't do this, things were going so well, I-"

Haru's throat starts contracting as he's holding back sobs, "I love you Manjiro" he whispers, not trusting his voice.

Mikey's eyes slightly soften at the mention of his name but the emotion is quickly covered up as he places his mask back on. "This relationship is holding you back- holding us back, we've been together our whole lives and this relationship isn't allowing us to grow."

Haruchiyo's grip tightens as he fears the moment he lets go this will become real, he will lose the person he loves most, the person he's known his entire life, his heart... himself.

"We have grown together," he says between sobs not being able to contain himself any longer, "it's been you and I forever, what about all of our dreams and our plans, Mikey what about our future together," Haru says pleading with the boy in front of him.

"We're still young Haru, you'll find someone new one day, someone better," Mikey takes his spare hand to caress Haru's face, outlining his features for what seems to be the last time. He leans in and gives Haru a chaste kiss on the lips, one that doesn't signify love but a goodbye instead.

Mikey takes his hand from Haruchiyo's and begins to walk away, "Wait" yells Haru as he reaches out for Mikey's hand missing it by centimeters. Mikey stops dead in his tracks, not looking back, "I love you," Haruchiyo manages to get out, raw and scratchy as if he swallowed shards of glass moments prior.

Mikey doesn't respond, instead he places his hands into his pockets and walks away. Leaving a wallowing Haruchiyo on the bench. He collapses on his side letting the tears fall down his face and on to the ground. He sobs into his hand silently trying to muffle the sound of his own heart shattering.

He's felt heartbreak in different ways, but none of them hurt like this, a wound that won't stop bleeding and once it does there will always be a nasty scar reminding you of the pain.

After what feels like hours Haruchiyo stands up, and begins walking home because no matter how hard his heart has broken, the world is a cruel place and doesn't allow you the luxury to stop time and grieve.

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