Heart Stopping, Plan Changing News

Start from the beginning

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to walk away so that he can get dressed. "Want me to take some of your clothes out? Or are you going to take a shower?" Gabby looked at the man she loves when she said that. "No, I can take one later when we're home." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that. "Want just some of your cozy jeans and one of my shirts?" Gabby agreed with her husband. "The jeggings that I have." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, before walking over to their closet so that he can go get their clothes out; at the same time, Gabby made her way over to her and Matt's door so that she could look at her brother. "Hey, you get the news about the twins?" Antonio sighed. "Yeah, that's why I was coming here; I wanted to know if Matt was going to go, then I didn't have to take my car." Matt then proceeded to yell out to Antonio. "CAN YOU GO MAKE BREAKFAST ANTONIO? I NEED TO GET ANDY READY." Antonio agreed. "Can we get a ride together?" Matt agreed. "Sure thing. Just stay quiet for the sake of the boys."

Antonio agreed before looking at Gabby, smiling at his sister. "So much for a romantic time with your husband." Gabby laughed, shaking her head as she looked at her brother. "It's okay. I would rather be with our friends, as we make sure that everything is okay." Antonio agreed with Gabby, smiling at his sister. "What would you like to have for breakfast?" Gabby smirked. "Can you make me some off your eggs?" Antonio smiled as Gabby said that, more than ready to do that. "Well, I will be doing that." Gabby smiled as she proceeded to hug her brother, before kissing his cheek. "I love you Antonio." Antonio agreed with his sister. "Just remember to breathe, as we want to make sure that these girls of yours stay okay." Gabby agreed with Antonio as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Antonio, wake up and remember that it's just one girl; not twins, we already had our twins. We aren't having twin girls." Antonio agreed with Gabby as she said that, before proceeding to walk away so that he could go make some breakfast today.

At the same time, Gabby took a breath while closing the door; after which, she went to make her way to the bathroom so that she could talk to her husband. After all, she knew him better than anybody; and she could just tell that something else was on his mind, something other than the fact that his friend's child was having heart problems. And she had a feeling why that was the case: as they had to deal with this same thing, while they were in the hospital with the boys; so, she understands completely why they had to go to the hospital together. So she's going to talk to him about it, and make sure that he's okay; and she's going to do that before they even leave their room. Walking over to the washroom in her robe, Gabby took a breath as she walked into the bathroom to see Matt standing at the counter in his boxers; at the same time, she let out a sigh and just looked at the man she loves. "Matt." Turning to look at Gabby, Matt took a breath as he knew that something was up. "Sorry, I..." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that.

Reaching her hand out, Gabby wanted Matt to grab it; and that was exactly what he did for her, which prompted Gabby to lead him back out to their bed. That way, she could give him a kiss; and hopefully, she could make him feel better. After all, he needs just that.


Matt and Gabby were now back in bed with each other, the couple needing to take a moment with each other to breathe; that way, Matt was calm for both his sake, and for Gabby's sake. Heaven knows if her husband is worried, then Gabby is going to be worried; and they both know that her worrying, will lead to her having problems (which can also cause her to miscarry). And that's the last thing that they want to happen, so Matt agreed to do this; he agreed to sit in bed for a moment, and just breathe. Cuddling up to her man as they held each other close, Gabby took a breath as she put her hands on his face and made sure that Matt was feeling better right now; at the same time, Matt put his hand on her side and looked into Gabby's eyes. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smiled as he ran his hand up and down her back. "Matt, just take a breath and relax." Matt sighed, agreeing with the woman he loves as he said that. "Yeah, I know." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now