Hermione started worryingly looking around for him, "Ron! where are you? Oh, this is stupid- Lumos!" she illuminated her wand to reveal Ron in a heap on the floor.

"Tripped over a tree-root." Ron grumbles as Maggie helped him to his feet.

"Well, with feet that size, hard not to." A mocking voice rang out and Maggie knew just who it belonged to. Draco was standing near by, leaning against a tree, alone.

"You watching this torture show, Sicko." Maggie said mustering as much repulse into her voice as she felt. He snarled in her direction but turned back to Ron when he told Draco exactly were he could shove his opinions.

"Language, Weasley. hadn't you better be hurrying along, now? You wouldn't like them spotted now, would you? Malfoy said, he nodded to Maggie and Hermione.

"what's that supposed to mean?" Hermione said, holding her head up high.

"Granger, they are after muggles. D'you wanna be showing of your knickers in mid-air? I mean it would give us all a laugh." he said smugly.

Harry stood in front of Maggie, protecting her, "Hermione and Maggie are witches."

"If you think they cant sniff out a mudblood, stay where you are."

"You watch your mouth!" Ron shouted.

"Never mind, Ron" said Hermione quickly, pulling Ron back.

He continued to lay back against the tree lazily, "I suppose your daddy told you all to hide? Whats he up to- rescuing the muggles?"

"Where're your parents?" Harry said, anger pooling out of him, "Out there wearing masks, are they?"

Malfoy snarled again as he said, "I wouldn't be likely to tell you, would I, Potter?"

"He's sick, don't waste your breath on him, Harry." Maggie said Grabbing Harry's arm.

Hermione managed to pull a seething Ron and Harry away from Malfoy, Maggie turns to leave as well until she hears him say something.

"Sick? We like to call it ridding the world of its impurities." Malfoy said with a coy smirk stepping closer to them. she paused but said nothing as she followed her friends, leaving Malfoy to be consumed by the darkness. She certainly wouldn't waste her breath on him, a shallow little boy picking fights he wont win.

"Fred and George couldn't have gone that far," Ron was saying as she rejoined them. She saw Harry feverishly searching his pockets.

"Ah, no, I don't believe it... I've lost my wand."

"Oh, bollocks." Maggie mumbled.

Winky, Mr Crouch's house elf came running through the tree line, "There is bad wizards about! People high-" Her voice was trembling, "Winky is getting out of the way."

But she seemed to be running with great difficultly, like an invisible force was dragging her along, "Did you see how she was moving, like someone was holding her back?" Maggie said with disgust, "I bet they did that to her, she didn't ask to hide. It's wicked."

"You know house elves get a very raw deal. It's slavery, that's what it is!" Hermione said, "Made to sit at the top of the stadium, when she's afraid of heights. And now she's charmed so she can't run whilst they trample tents! Why doesn't anyone do anything about it?"

"Well, the elves are happy, aren't they?" Said Ron, "You heard what Winky said earlier, 'house elves is not supposed to have fun' that's what she likes, being bossed around."

"No, Ron, being bossed around and having your life endangered are two different things entirely! People shouldn't treat them like that just because of what they are-" Maggie defended before a loud bang echoed throughout the woods.

THE CALM AND THE STORM~ Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now