Early Mornings

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Excitement woke Margaret up in the form of Ginny Weasley, which shocked Meg enough to send her into momentary panic because what on earth possessed Ginny Weasley to wake up at such a ungodly time

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Excitement woke Margaret up in the form of Ginny Weasley, which shocked Meg enough to send her into momentary panic because what on earth possessed Ginny Weasley to wake up at such a ungodly time. But of course, The Quidditch World Cup.

Maggie's own feverish spirit willed her to get out of bed and she made her way down to assist Mr and Mrs Weasley with last minute preparations for their trip. She receives warm smiles when her help is offered, but Mrs Weasley is far more prepared than Maggie gives her credit for and, so, she is sent back upstairs with the task of waking the boys, with Hermione.

"Fred! George!" Hermione knocks calmly on the door to the twin's bedroom, but much like Maggie suspected, it did nothing to wake them from their impenetrable slumbers. But Maggie also knows Hermione is not know for her patience.

"George! Fred! Get your lazy arses up this instant. I will be back." she peevishly shouted, abandoning her post and dragging Maggie up to the top room of the house.

"You are scary when you want to be, Mione. I'm impressed." Maggie said, in all honesty as Hermione only pushed the girl the last way up the stairs and into the door of Ron's bedroom, which she opens straight way. She knew not even quidditch could convince them to wake so early.

"Rise and shine, boys." Maggie called out, walking over to Harry. Hermione, however, took a far more violent approach, once more. Regardless of Hermione shouts, neither of the boys stir.

"Ahh! Get up. Get up, Fire. Harry, a fire." Maggie screamed bloody murder, shaking Harry's shoulders. He shot straight up, his forehead bashing straight into hers.

"Ah, fu-" Maggie flies back on impact, Glaring at the boy, who begins rubbing his head.

"Bloody hell, what'd you do that for? Did you have to wake me up by giving me a heart attack, Mags?" Harry responds, his glare matching her own, but he quickly recovers, sitting up and yawning, stretching his arms up. The act lifts his top up slightly, making Meg momentarily forget her anger and any insulting comeback she would would usually throw back at him.

She feels herself getting herself carried away so she, with great struggle, peels her eyes from his stomach and back to his face, where he is already looking at her. His face reddens as she feels her own grow warm.

She pushes down the fuzzy feelings their small interaction left in her stomach and slaps Harry round the back of the head,"Maybe if you didn't sleep like the dead." she said with a roll of her eyes, Harry just smiles at her as she continues,"Actually, I take that back, the dead would be easier to wake." She finishes with a cocky grin and Harry fully sits up and launches himself at the girl, who just jumps out of his reach, leaving him to fall in a crumpled heap on the floor, once again rubbing his head.

"Is it your life's mission to injure me, huh?" He says, looking up at her from the floor.

Maggie grabs his arm to help him up a mumbles,"Oh shut up, I've spent half of my school life keeping you bloody safe." she jabs him in the side and walks out the door, leaving the boys to dress.

Her excitement for the days events had her practically skipping down the stairs, until she reached the kitchen and Mrs Weasley stirring a large pot on the stove, Mr Weasley sat at the table looking at the tickets, no sign of Hermione or Ginny. Maggie walked over to the table, in front the her tea she'd left half abandoned, and now cold. Frowning, she left the thoughts of going back to bed wash over her, when she heard heavy footsteps pounding down the stairs.

And as she could of guessed Ron emerged at the bottom, Harry in tow. Mr Weasley looked up at the boys and pushed away from the table, revealing his outfit, that Maggie was only just now noticing.

"what d'you think?" He asks, looking at Harry, "We're supposed to go incognito- do i look Muggle enough, Harry?"

Harry smiles back at the man, "Er- yeah, very good." His gaze shifts over to Maggie as he and Ron walk to ward the table. The twins warm everyone of their presence as they simultaneously yawn.

"Where're Bill and Per-Per-Percy?" George mumbles through his yawn.

"Well, they're apparating, aren't they?" said Mrs Weasley, placing what Meg thinks is porridge into bowls. Jealousy at the boys for getting to sleep in made Maggie sigh as Fred came to the same conclusion.

"So they're still in bed then? Why cant we apparate, too?"

"Lucky bastards." said Maggie, under her breath.

Mrs weasly went on the explain and scold, as usual, until she disappeared up stairs, looking for the girls.

The boys sat at the table and immersed in a conversation about apparation, Maggie was resting her head in her arms when she heard more footsteps as Hermione and Ginny emerged, the latters energy having clearly worn off and she grumply asks,

"Why'd we have to be up so early?" They take their seats at the table.

Mr Weasly starts smiling, "We've got a bit of a walk." Maggie watches Harry scrunch his nose up in confusion, he turns to her in question but she just shrugs.

He turns back to Mr Weasley, "Walk? What, are we walking to the World Cup?" He asks.

" Oh, No, no, that's miles away," Mrs Weasley says smiling, "We'll only be walking a short way. Best way to congregate without attract muggle attention." He smiles.

Maggie rises and says, "I'd best get my bag." As she starts up the stairs, yells follow, Mrs Weasley's to be precise, she only catches word like 'Accidio..... Six months....O.W.l.s' ans she was suddenly glad she slipped out when she did.

When she arrived back downstairs, goodbyes were already in motion and she could see the twin glowering at the bottom of the garden. Mrs Weasly had on a sour face as well as she turned to the rest of the group, "Well, have a lovely time, and behave yourselves." she said, raising her voice at the end so the twins could hear her.

Mrs and Mr Weasley shared some last words as he, Ron, Ginny Hermione, Harry and Maggie set off. Maggie pulled her coat into herself, the moon shone out and the winds picked up as the group carried on in silence.

Maggie walking along side Ginny, lost in thought still the girl said, in a low voice, "How big do you reckon Fred and George's fit will be in Ireland don't win?"

"Forget their fit, I'll be fuming. I've bet Ron five Gallons on this game." Ginny laughs at the girl and rolls her eyes at the girl as she continues, "Anyhow, Ronald swooning over Viktor Krum will be the real spectacle." Both the girl burst into quiet laughs.

"What are you two giggling at, huh?" Ron says practically sleep walking.

"Oh, nothing, Ronnie. Nothing." Maggie laughs again as she stars listening to the conversation Harry and Mr Weasley are having about port keys.

"Well, they can be anything," Mr Weasley says, "Unobtrusive things, obviously, so muggles don't go picking them up and playing with them...stuff they'll think is litter."

They carry on in silence down a dark lane towards the village, then everyone was to busy saving their energy as they trudged up Stoatshead Hill. Maggie momentarily bending over her knees to catch her breath and Hermione stopped beside her clutching a stitch as she patted her back.

"Come on, then. Now we have to find the portkey...." Arthur said contemplating and looking around when a voice called out, nearly making Maggie wet herself.


I312 words

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