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「 Fuck is a question? 」

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「 Fuck is a question? 」

Japan was a hefty place to live in

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Japan was a hefty place to live in. It'd seem like such a fantasy to live here in the eyes of foreigners, but in truth, it was decent.

In this specific part of Japan where you lived, there were many normal people. Along with the occasional robbers and harassers—it wasn't so bad.

You lived in a small apartment, but got evicted in less than a month due to money problems.

Which is why you've been going around the city, hotel hopping around to at least feel like you had a home.

And now, you were out looking for a job. A job that required barely any hard work, of course.

She knew just the place.

"Tell me, why do you want to work here?"

You pushed yourself with your feet to move around on the spinning chair, "Mm, I'm out of money. I also like cafes. And I also have no home."

Blunt. Straight to the point.

Kyutaro admired that.

But at the same time, it reminded him of a certain someone. "Do you have any experience in this kind of work?"

"No, but I can learn. I also know how to put on a fake act."

At least she's honest.

You cleared your throat and sat up in your chair to put on a smile, "Welcome to Yadorigi, my name is MC—what can I get for you?"

Kyutaro lightly laughed at the fake act, "That's pretty good. Then, do you know how to make drinks?"

"Simple coffees are easy enough, decent smoothies; I can't mix anything alcohol related, but I can learn." He liked her ethic already.

He nodded, "You're hired."

You raised an eyebrow, "Don't I need to give you a resume?"

"No, I don't need it. Your name is just enough."

Oh shit, am I going to get doxxed?

Kyutaro saw the concerned expression on your face and reassured you, "Don't worry, no one's going to hurt you."

That gentle look in his dark eyes, resting behind those black framed glasses, and that brown fluffy hair that reminded her of chocolate. You'd be lying to yourself if you said that this man wasn't beautiful. 

"...Okay, I trust you."

He was shocked to hear that you trusted him so easily.

But it was mostly suspicious.

Kyutaro knew what you were currently capable of—MC L/n, just what are you planning to do?

When you gave him your name, he immediately knew who you were.

But, in order to confirm his suspicions, he uploaded that information to the organization.

It didn't take long to receive a full online report about you.

He quickly skimmed through the words, and stopped when he saw your affiliation.

He quickly composed himself, unaware of the preying gaze that was on him.

"Does that mean I can start right away, Kyu?"

Kyutaro's hands flinched on his laptop's keyboards; he wasn't expecting that nickname. The only person he knew that called him that was...

"I'll take that silence as a yes!" You stood from your chair, "Oh, and could I perhaps move in with you boss?"

...She's playing with me. She knows, doesn't she?

There should be no reason for her to toy with me.

"That's a bit inappropriate for someone you just met, now is it?"

You tried your very hardest to hide the coy smile on your face, but you couldn't help the corners of your lips curling up a bot. Kyutaro caught on quickly to that.

He knew you definitely weren't an evil person, but you had sides to you he knew he shouldn't pry his way into.

"Yes, but you wouldn't let your employee go around hotel hopping right? That'd be unethical of you as my boss."

You knew you won.

He watched as you opened the door for herself, your eyes darting up to a slim man that glared directly at her. A sweat rolled down your forehead in nervousness when you knew who it was.

Crap. I just had to run into him.

You stepped to the side to let him pass, in which he did, only to sit down in the same seat you sat in.

What a coincidence.

And Kyutaro's laptop didn't close.

Instead, he lowered the brightness and left it alone. You narrowed your eyes at the laptop, but then put on a smile while waving.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, boss! Have a good day." You dragged out the last word in a playful tone, leaving the cafe with a scowl once outside.

You knew that you had to get your hands on what you needed soon. But that clearly wasn't going to happen if Kyutaro was in the way.

You pushed the stray strands of hair out of your face, shoving your hands in your hoodie pockets while walking back to the hotel to check out. Your one day stay was over, and now you had to look for another hotel.

If only I hadn't gotten evicted. Stupid landlord.

Should've gotten my revenge.

You had basically been to all of the hotels here, but none were ever good enough to guarantee your safety there.

Or your satisfaction. Which was more important.

"Hey, MC here." You spoke into your phone, stepping into the sliding doors and taking in the bright scenario of the hotel.

"I have a lead."

Your smile faded almost instantly, "Send me the details."

The male voice behind the phone hummed, "Already did. Let me know what else you need, yeah?"

You took out her wallet, turning to the woman behind the counter, "One mocha frappe, please."

"Huh?" He was confused.

You handed the cashier the money, dumping the loose change in the wallet while walking into the elevator. "No, not you. I was getting coffee."

You pressed the 20th floor, and continuously pushed the 'close doors' button to ensure no one would awkwardly shuffle their way in.

You hated having strangers in the elevator with you, especially if you were by yourself.

"I'm gonna lose connection, I'll call you back. That fine with you? Hello? I'm asking a question, Yuta."

"...The fuck was the question?"

Author's note:
hey, sorry this first chapter was kinda idk, too bland but yeah

uh goodnight

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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