Chapter 21 - The Rise of Skywalker

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"You're sure this is it?" Poe asks as they walk through the desert.

"These are the exact coordinates that Master Luke left behind." 3PO answers. The group hears music up ahead, rounding the corner and finding the festival.

"What is this? It's amazing!" Pandora exclaims, moving closer to the edge to get a better look.

"The Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors. This celebration occurs only once every 42 years." He explains.

"Well, that's lucky." Finn says.

"Lucky indeed! This festival is known for both its colorful kites and its delectable sweets." 3PO tells them. 

Pandora smiles and rushes down the hill, excited to experience the festival. Poe and Rhys both sigh, knowing they'll have to keep a close eye on her, or she'll wander off.

"This is amazing! Hurry up!" She calls over her shoulder as she runs to join the celebration.

"Let's split up. See what the locals know." Poe tells the others, his eyes never leaving Pandora as she walks ahead of them in awe of the festival. He watches her as she moves from one thing to another, excitedly purchasing some sweets, enough for her family.

"Festivals are so romantic." She sighs, turning to look at him. "Poe!" She gasps, seeing him down on one knee.

"I know." He tells her, smiling at her and holding his hand out for her. She takes it and he pulls her closer until she stands right in front of him. "I've never been one to get nervous, but now that it's time, my words have left me." He chuckles, squeezing her hand. "I love you, Pan, more than anything in this galaxy. I'd give up flying if it meant I got to spend every day of the rest of my life with you. I've dreamed of this moment and I'm hoping your answer will make me the happiest man in the galaxy. Will you marry me, Pandora Djarin?" 

"Yes!" She shouts, throwing herself at him. He falls, landing on his back in the sand, and they both laugh as she lands on top of him. She holds her hand out and he gently slides his mother's ring onto her finger. She tears up as she stares at it, and he tilts her head to make her look at him.

"I love you." He tells her, pulling her in for a kiss. He pulls away and stands, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"This is the best day of my life." She tells him, cupping his face in her hands. He smiles and rests his forehead on hers.

"Mine too, Pan." He replies. She smiles and kisses him again. 

"My dad's gonna kill you." She says. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Nope. I told him years ago that I was going to marry you. It was just a matter of time." He explains. She laughs and rests her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you." She whispers, closing her eyes and listening to his heartbeat.

Chewie growls as he approaches, interrupting their moment to ask what they're doing while the others are working towards their mission. Pandora pulls away from Poe, holding her left hand out as she turns to face her uncle. He roars loudly, rushing forward and hugging her, lifting her off her feet.

"I love you too, Uncle Chewie." She tells him as he growls excitedly at her.

"What's going on over here?" Rhys asks as he and Finn join them. 

"You two aren't the only ones getting married soon." Poe answers. Rhys pulls his sister into a hug as Finn congratulates Poe.

"I'm happy for you." He tells his sister.

"We have to go. Back to the Falcon. Now." Rey says as she joins the group.

"What? Why?" Pandora asks, looking around at the festival, hoping to spend a bit more time here.

"It's Ren." She replies. Poe grabs his fiancée's hand and starts pulling her through the crowd, knowing she wants to ask about her cousin but also knowing there's likely First Order stormtroopers around here somewhere.

"Freeze! Hold it right there." A stormtrooper shouts, pointing his blaster at the group. "I've located the Resistance fugitives. All units, report-" An arrow pierces his helmet before he can give away their location.

"Follow me." The man holding a crossbow orders. He leads them to shelter. "Leia sent me a transmission." He tells them as they enter.

"How'd you find us?" Finn asks.

"Wookiees stand out in a crowd." Lando says, removing his helmet. Chewie growls and hugs him, Rhys and Pandora doing the same.

"When did you two grow up?" He asks, laughing as he inspects his niece and nephew. 

"It's been a long time, Uncle Lando." Pandora tells him, hugging him tightly. Chewie growls and pulls away.

"It's great to see you too, buddy." He tells him.

"This is General Lando Calrissian." 3PO announces.

"We know who he is, 3PO." Rey says.

"It is an honor, General." Finn tells him.

"General Calrissian, we're looking for Exegol." Poe explains.

"Of course, you are." Lando replies. He presses a button and shows them a hologram of a device. "Only two were made."

"A Sith wayfinder." Rey says. BB-8 chirps. "Luke Skywalker came here to find one." Lando chuckles.

"I know. I was with him." He tells them. "Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter." He presses a button, switching the hologram to the hunter. "Ochi of Bestoon. He was carrying a clue that could lead to a wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship, it was abandoned. No clue. No wayfinder."

"Is Ochi's ship still here?" Rey asks.

"It's out in the desert, where he left it." He replies.

"We need to get to that ship. Search it again." She tells the group. They turn towards the exit, hearing the approaching engines of First Order ships.

"I got a bad feeling about this. Ochi's ship is out past Lurch Canyon. Go." Lando says.

"Thank you, General." Poe tells him as he moves towards the exit. Chewie growls and follows.

"You too, Chewie." He replies. Finn, Rhys, and 3PO follow the others outside as Rey and Pandora linger inside.

"Leia needs pilots, General." Rey says.

"My flying days are long gone. But do me a favor...Give Leia my love." He answers.

"You should give it to her yourself. Thank you." She tells him, moving towards the door.

"Mom misses you. I know you miss your daughter, but she misses her brother, too. Will you consider visiting?" Pandora asks. He smiles and nods.

"I'll think about it." He answers. She smiles and rushes back for a quick hug before following Rey outside.

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