47. Dangerous girls - Ryeji

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Riding through the beaten paths of the desert-like landscapes was a stylish impala that growled away the afternoon with its power. Faster than a lion, more dangerous than a cornered fox. The car caught up and chased behind a truck that pitifully made its mileage with a miserable old-as-age engine.

Of course, that car was driven by none other than the foxy eyed Hwang Yeji, who you should truly fear on the road -- whichever that road may be. Her hands clung to the steering wheel and she rode this car like it was part of her limbs, her eyes dead set on the zig-zagging truck that caught wind of their plan.

They were there to steal the loot, whatever it was.

"Next time, I drive," said Shin Ryujin, sitting on the shotgun seat, boot against the dashboard and her revolver loosely hanging from her hand like the coolest gunslinger in the world that cheated death more than once. Her ongoing competition with Yeji didn't rest a second, not even during a raid. Her eyes were also glued to the road, only briefly looking at the growing smirk from Yeji.

Seated right behind Ryujin was Lee Chaeryeong who was giggling with the tickling adrenaline spiking in her body. She loved to ride, she loved to ride fast and she loved the thrill of persecution. "Look at them, they think accelerating and swerving will help them!" Chaeryeong said a little mockingly, making Shin Yuna -- who was sandwiched between Choi Jisu and Chaeryeong herself -- laugh.

The swerving truck was helpless, unable to take dramatic turns in the middle of nowhere and even more unable to lose the girls. Not with the top speed he was reaching, which was just laughable. For a moment, the anxious driver even thought that the girls were not surpassing him just to mock him, to toy with him, to play with him.

A thought that somehow reached Ryujin. "Why aren't you going past him? Just block his path and we come out blasting."

"No blasting, we're driving that truck, remember?" Yuna reasoned.

"We still can go past him."

"Yeah, isn't that easier?" Jisu -- excuse me, Julia -- said, leaning forward to speak louder on Yeji's ear. "It's not like he has no place to go."

"Aw, c'mon guys. Let me have some fun," Yeji giggled out, tailing behind the truck like an obnoxious sibling.

"Again, I drive next time," Ryujin said.

Yeji huffed, shaking her head. "Fine," she mumbled, lifting her hand up and gesturing for the girls to prepare.

Chaeryeong squealed with excitement. "Oohh! Finally," she said as she reached down, grabbing her polished revolver with a huge grin.

Yuna, grabbed her dual revolvers before she glanced over at Lia who was giving her a look. A look that read 'No, Yuna, not today' and so Yuna pouted and tucked one of the revolvers under the seat.

With that, Lia contently twirled her own weapon as Yeji finally stepped on the gas.

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