Chalchiuhtlicue (j.o)

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Carl stood up, pants falling to his ankles, asking, "Who is that?"

Danny shrugged, answering, "I don't know but it's so beautiful."

The two men's heart rates spiked, focusing solely on the sepulchral sensuality that was the voice. The voice becoming more defined and clear as they mindlessly walked to the rails. They're eyes landed on the water, spotting a woman's face — they'd found their singer, and she was beautiful. The moon hit her face perfectly; highlighting her bronze skin, sharp jaw, full pink lips, and dangerously dark brown eyes. Her drenched, dark hair creating a pool of its own around her, giving her face prominence.

"You have a beautiful voice." Carl stated, his eyes spiraled.

"And a beautiful face." Danny added, garnering the attention of the woman on the boat. She stared at the backs of the men.

With the trance not allowing Carl to think clearly, he stepped out of his pants and grabbed the rails, "I want you to sing to me," before plummeting into the water.

The lady of the lake's singing continued with her sight trained on Danny. Danny climbed over the rails, mindlessly diving into the water as well. The men swam to the watery singer, haste with their strokes as they blustered through the black water.

The woman from the boat got into a crouch position, moving carefully to the rail. She peeked over, spotting the woman. They made eye contact and the lady of the lake nodded before swimming away. The woman on the boat burst into tears, she cried of relief, "¡Dios te bendiga! (God bless you.)"

The singer continued to harmonize her ethereal tune as she lured the men away from the cruiser. They impatiently and hungrily swam after her trying to be within reach of her — her voice.

"Ma'am!" "Beautiful!" They called, only to be ignored.

Just when she got them far enough, the woman submerged — her singing ceasing. Leaving the men in the lake's silence but her voice was still echoing in their minds.

"No!" "Wait!" They cried out, splashing the water where they saw her last.

The men dove in, propelling their bodies down with haste to find her. The moonlight bounced off what appeared to be shimmering scales. The men followed the glow until it disappeared from sight, but they didn't stop their search. Swimming eagerly to the pits of the lake, Danny and Carl's lungs heaved with water, sight diminished to pure darkness and their limbs became limp. Lack of oxygen caused the gurgling of bubbles to escape their mouths. Their bodies violently jerked as their final breaths began to flow, watered screams causing a massive explosion of bubbles. Waking from their trance, they panicked and their hearts beat out of their chests as they tried desperately to get to the surface, but that wasn't a feasible option. Not anymore.

Two final gasps... and just the unrelenting silence and calmness of the water remained. The lady of lake took the hands of both men, leading them further down the watery abyss.

The woman on the boat, managed to get the cruiser moving. Without another thought, she sailed to shore, away from the center Lake Zirahuén, not daring to look back.

* * *

The clicking of cameras, yelling men, and concerned people flooded your ears as you stood atop the boat, on the dock. You sighed listening to the reporters hound your officers and snap the pictures they could.

"Boat is registered to Danny Whittaker and his co-signer Carl Benson, they're both American, Detective Y/L/N. They seem to vacation here in the summer," the male officer announced, typing on his handheld computer. "Should we contact the US Embassy?"

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