picnic date <3

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The next morning Shelby woke up before will and decided to make them two some food also known as breakfast. Will had never slept over at Shelby's place she had slept in his but Shelby didn't know what to make but she chooses pancakes considering its her favourite food and she hopes wilbur would eat it too. She finishes up making food she give Wilbur a stack of pancakes on the table by the couch he's lying on with a note saying " here I made you pancakes hope you like them I will probably be in my room-  Love form Shelby :) "
And he thought Shelby couldn't be any better, he eats the pancakes and walks to her room with the converter he stole last night
*Knock knock *
"Come in will "
" Thank you for the pancakes I really liked them " will says spreading his arms which Shelby gracefully
" And uh I may have took this from your room when you were asleep "
" That's not creepy at all will " she says joking
"Yeah yeah whatever I have to head off now to practice for the 2 gigs I have today "
" Can we hang out tomorrow then if you're not busy "
" Yeah I'm not busy "
"Do you want me to drive you to the practice place "
"Yes if you wouldn't mind "
" It's my pleasure "
Shelby drives will to practice place for his gigs he has in about an hour,he pulls her into a hug and heads inside they both didn't want to leave but they had too plus they were gonna see eachother tomorrow anyway. Shelby drove home and fed star and saw that will had left her a note saying " thank you for the food I appreciate it and still appreciate you more tho <3 from will :) "  Shelby had got butterfly's in her stomach she had layed down and thought maybe she did actually like Wilbur more than a friend. At about night time after she had thought about it all day she concluded that she did in fact have a crush on Wilbur.
She had gotten a text from him saying " goodnight shubs I will pick you up tomorrow morning so be awake :) "
"He's so sweet " she thought to herself she sent him a goodnight text back and headed off to bed.

The next morning shubble had been woken up by a knock on the door she opened it and it was Wilbur dressed in his casual black jeans and yellow jumper while Shelby was still in her pajames Shelby pulls him into a hug  and goes to change out her pajames while will sits on her couch waiting for her

Shelbys pov

I get changed into fish nets a white skirt and a jumper cute right? I walk out
"Don't you look pretty "
" Thank you,you don't look too bad yourself " they say as they're both blushing from each others comments
" Close your eyes and take my hand "
"Take his hand " what he wants me to gold his hand Shelby thinks to herself
" Oh uh yeah " Shelby says taking his hand in hers. Will holds my hand and takes me to a car and starts driving somewhere tou told me not to open my eyes we get there in like 10 minutes, will gets out the car opens my door and holds my hand taking me out
" Wow so gentlemanly,"
" I try for you "
"3,2,1, open "
I opened my eyes and it's a picnic in a flower field
"Awhh will you didn't have too " I say
" I wanted to take you out you deserve it Shelby "
We walk to the picnic still holding hands both blushing so much.

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