Gingerbrave: you do have a point Before the party starts let's get some flowers from herb cookie and place it there

Wizard: yeah that can work

Dozer pov

Atfer hangout with my friends I decided to go back home And get ready for the party the moment I opened at the door I saw my grandma drinking tea and The moment she knows to me she rushes over to me and hugs me.

White lily: it's been such a long time Dozer cookie do you like it here

Dozer: yeah it's nice I made some friends too

White lily: that's good I'm happy you made some friends oh yeah I found some of your old stuff

Dozer: really

White lily: yeah All your stuff is upstairs And I bought your too

Dozer: thank you

He walks upstairs as he goes in room It looks inside of the box and packed old clothes and his axe red velvet gave him

Dozer: ( I wonder where the gun pomegranate cookie gave me?)

Dozer:( Wait a minute this pajama looks Familiar)

He grabs the pajamas from the box Seeing his old pajama When he was with the cookies of darkness as his memories flow back to him as he quickly Throws the pajama Across the room.

Dozer: ( let me just get dress and wait downstairs until it's time to go)

Dozer cookie grabs the pajamas and puts it in a Closet While he puts on the suit that white Lily cookie got him And Walked downstairs

Gingerbrave pov

After I got dressed I grab the flowers from herb as I Rush over to meet up with Wizard cookie and strawberry cookie

Gingerbrave: sorry if I was a bit I was picking up the flowers

Strawberry: it's fine Let's just get going before the party starts

They start walking into the woods as they go To Gingerbirght grave and Placed down the flowers on her grave.

Wizard: I wish Gingerbirght was alive she would have had enjoyed his party

Strawberry: yeah she would

Gingerbrave: I understand we all are kind of saddened but let's have the most fun as we can I know she wouldn't unlike us to be sad

Wizard: You do have a point

After That conversation they went back to the kingdom and into the ballroom have some fun.

Dozer pov

Dozer Cookie was sitting down drinking berry juice next to white Lily while she was talking with pure vanilla cookie and then he sees banana peel cookie setting alone looking at the ground.

Dozer: I'll be right back

White lily: that's fine have fun

Dozer cookie gets up and walks over to banana peels as he Looks around his surrounding seeing a Bunch of people dancing Which gave him a idea

Banana peel: Oh hey dozer do you like the party

Dozer: it's nice But do You remember how to dance

Banana peel: what?

Dozer: to dance come on

Dozer cookie takes out his hand while banana peel Sits there in shock and grabs with him as they Start to dance with each other.

touch- a dozer cookie angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now