He glanced at the window, following her gaze as the sudden rush of wind rustled the leaves of the trees nearby, the silence that lingered seemed too much to handle and so, Prachi left the living room as he heard the door slamming making him flinch slightly


"I know this is probably a very wrong time but I had to say this, promise me it won't affect our friendship" Gaurav's voice rang through the room as Prachi uncertainly nodded, hesitantly looking at him to comprehend what he was about to do, looking as clueless as possible to the obvious confession before her

"I didn't know how, I never thought this would happen, you were always that person I never really noticed well in college, I wish I would have, you're ethereal for God's sake! Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat" Prachi's heart skipped a beat as tears gathered in her eyes which she immediately blinked back gulping slightly

"When I hear your voice I fall into a delusional world, with just you and me, I know that this is wrong of me, I would've never said it... but I couldn't contain it anymore, I really like you Prachi, oh bloody hell! I love you!" His breathless voice was almost tempting due to how his eyes had darkened, how his hair shone in the moonlight and how he expectantly looked up at her as if she was the only person he knew, the only life in the cruel world around them

The urge to give in to the breathtakingly handsome man before her was too much to ignore, but she didn't understand how, or why, but she stilled and shook her head slightly, unconsciously

"I'm sorry" She bit her lips from speaking further as his face sunk into the light making her heart clench, she didn't understand why she was rejecting the man that could make her laugh within a second, someone who cherished her more than Ranbir had ever did

She closed her eyes thinking of the day that she had gotten married, she was married to someone, someone that she was supposed to be loyal to.

"Gaurav, I'm married to someone, I can't do this, I'm so sorry" Prachi said as relief washed over her when she realised she had finally said those words

"I don't need that, I need to know whether you like me back or not, whether you ever had feelings for me in any kind of way" he asked and she sighed

"I'm sorry, I never felt romantic for you, in any way, I'm sorry, I really am, but I'm committed to someone and this wouldn't even be my last choice" Prachi could feel her voice cracking but she had managed to deliver the finality in her voice since Gaurav stopped and sighed, wiping away the lone tear leaking from his eye

Prachi woke up on the bed sweating she glanced at the empty ceiling, the AC had turned off and the female groaned internally as she searched for the remote in the dark, only to find her phone and turn on the torch as she flinched when she saw Ranbir looking at her

"What're you doing here?" Ranbir was shocked at her changed demeanour, she would have just cursed him and pushed him out of her room already had it been any other day

"I- I forgot to tell you that your parents will be coming tomorrow" he said and she sucked in a deep breath, filled with relief

"You mean today?" She looked at the clock showing the time

"It's 3 in the morning, you're not asleep?" Prachi could still feel her heart beating at a fast pace due to the sudden shock of seeing somebody in her room in the middle of the night

"I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and heard you murmuring" he added and she nodded, now feeling her heart coming back to the normal pace

"I just had a dream..." Prachi got up and decided to wake up early that day

"I'll go get ready, you should sleep" she said and smiled at Ranbir

"You messed your schedule I see" he chuckled softly

"Yea, but you don't have to do that as well so sleep, I'll move your stuff to my room" she said and he nodded

"You know what? Let's just stay in a room, I mean we have already stayed in a single room together for days, and how long are we going to keep on shifting things?" Prachi sighed and nodded, perhaps they were making progress, a small smile took over her face

Ranbir would never feel something so strange but seeing that soft smile on her face against the moonlight felt like the most beautiful scene he had ever seen, and he gulped back the rest o his thoughts, roaming back to his former love, Tara.


"Prachi! You have forgotten me! I see that Ranbir keeps you busy" Pragya had a slight smirk to which Prachi chuckled whereas Ranbir immediately gulped down water after choking on his food

"You know I've been busy with work! And I called you, you didn't receive it so I thought you were busy, it doesn't matter, now you're here, you can stay with me! We could go on a date, and have all the street food dishes and visit all the restaurants you want to, our outing!" Prachi said making the elder chuckle

"I don't need to!" Pragya picked up her phone and received her call, going to the balcony and leaving the couple alone

"I have to go to the office early today, there's been a few serious customer complaints about the latest product so I'll have to go check on it," Ranbir said surprising Prachi, this was the first time he had ever shared something related to his business with her

"I hope your mum won't mind, I mean I can stay if its necessary" he added and she shook her head

"Oh no there's no need, you should concentrate on work, I'll probably spend some more time with Mom" Prachi smiled at him making him chuckle

"You're so cute" he muttered and pulled her cheeks, as soon as he realised what he was doing, his hands retract like a reflex and he started coughing to which Prachi felt her cheeks reddening

"Water" She passed him a glass of water which he hesitantly drank

"I'll go" Prachi was saddened at the awkwardness between them, but she didn't mind

"Prachi, let's go!" Pragya came back in making the female smile at her as they both made their way out


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