"Fasten your seatbelts."

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"What are you two doing here?" Peter asked as he shifted his gaze between us. I wanted to jokingly say we were on a date but Otto spoke up before I could.

"Walking around, do you want to join us?"

Damn it. I don't know what I expected to happen on our walk. Knowing that Peter will likely join, not much was going to now. Then again, I knew him, so it would be easier to keep myself in the conversation. I couldn't look Peter in the eyes, because they disturbed me. They're just so blue. "Sure!" He shouted as he crossed Otto's path to walk on the opposite side. The arms seemed fine with the photographer at least. One or two of them whirled to look at him before looking forward again. I had to keep my hands in my pockets to prevent one from possessively grasping Otto's arm. This is my old man. I knew Peter wasn't really a threat in that department. The man gave the doctor the look you give your favorite teacher. Or father. Either or.

Otto looked down at Peter's camera. "Taking pictures of your friend?" The kid nervously giggled before answering.

"Ah, not at the moment." He looked around as if searching for something. "There's no crazy bad guy running around, so."

I almost wished there was one so Peter would leave me to continue our pseudo date. Kid means well, but he rambles. He even told me about this MJ that he's liked for a long time. It didn't sound ideal from what he told me, but it's his love life. I couldn't judge, I suppose. I was completely smitten with this grown man who had previously been married. Otto chuckled at Peter's response. "Thank heavens. The last guy was something, that's for sure." Maybe he meant the guy from last night. Whoever the hell "Gobbie" was. I had heard Spider-Man say that nickname once before I fell asleep. Otto sighed. "Maybe now we can get some sleep finally, hm?" He nudged my arm with his elbow. All I could muster was a giggle because of the brief unexpected contact. Then I had a thought.

"Have you tried white noise—or rain—or something? It's supposed to help you sleep. Just ... in case." The doctor paused for a second. With a puzzled expression, Peter turned to face me.

"Haven't tried that. Maybe I should give it a try. Thanks." Otto smiled at me. I couldn't help but return his smile, despite my internal frustration. Why am I so goddamn weird? No, men like confidence, right? Okay. Be confident. A brief daydream of listening to the rain together appeared in my mind again. I shook my head, as if it were going to knock the thought out of my ear or something. I lowered my shoulders slightly to appear more relaxed. It was short-lived due to the cold causing my muscles to tense up and cramp. I tried to stop shivering by moving my hands to rub my arms.

Peter seemed to have noticed. "How are you that cold with a turtleneck and coat on?" His tone indicated that he was being playful. I mumbled an "I dunno" before Otto spoke up.

"Do you want my coat?" My jaw dropped momentarily before I turned to face him.

"I-I don't want you to get cold instead. I'll be fine." The arms started to take his coat off.

"I'll be okay. The weather doesn't bother me much."

The actuators placed his coat on my shoulders. The combination of the cold and practically wearing my crush's coat caused my face to turn fifty shades of red. It helped me warm up a little, though. I noticed Peter's smug look. He definitely knows. I started to wonder if Otto knew, too. He very likely did. I was so goddamn obvious. I'm not sure why he entertained it. I wasn't going to get too excited about the reason why. The doctor cleared his throat. "I have an idea."

Peter and I both looked at him curiously. "What do you have in mind?" Peter soon asked. Otto placed his hands on our shoulders.

"We should have lunch."

That's great, but now I have to watch how I eat in case he thinks I'm messy. I soon figured it'd be best to eat as I want. I want someone to accept both my bests and worsts. Though, wanting someone to throw me is probably my worst worst. So, eating sloppily wouldn't be my biggest red flag. "Where?" I asked quietly. The arms curled around us slowly.

"My place!"

Peter's face lit up. "Perfect!" I felt my heart race. If he can cook I'm done for.

I looked around at the parked cars and cabs. "Are you going to drive us there?" Otto chuckled.

"These arms are multi-functional." He winked.

If he winks at me again I'm going to lose it. "Sweet." Peter said quietly.

I looked up at Otto to see he was already looking at me. I felt fuzzy all over. "Do you want to come with?" He asked. I stumbled a bit again before I answered.

"Yes, I-I'm pretty hungry--can't hurt." I shrugged playfully. Pulling his coat tighter around me, I heard the actuators whirr as they got closer. I saw the doctor smile before inhaling sharply.

"Fasten your seatbelts."

The arms wrapped tightly around me and Peter. I clutched the actuator as I felt myself get lifted up. As the lower two arms started to march us forward, the anticipation of going to my old man crush's place flowed through me. Being high in the air made me feel slightly sick. Otto had my trust, but I couldn't help but worry that something might go wrong. Peter, however, was having the time of his life. His ever-growing smile would've been endearing had he not jumpscared me with his eyes every time he looked at me. 

[ the art is by Nekojetto on tumblr :) ]

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