MK fucking dies

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"D-did we win?"Mei groans Red Son helps her up "I think we did Mei..."

"Haha!We did it we won!!"Tang Hugs is husband,pigsy,tightly.

They all cheered In victory it was over the lady bone demon was gone
They won!

Nothing could ruin it!!!

"Wait where's MK?!"Mei ask everyone she looks around the ruble frantically looking around for her best friend.

Scratch that it just did.

"Look!"Sandy pointed at something.

It was MK lying in the ruble of the Golden monkey Mech.
His eyes closed.
His skin was blue and pale.
He wasn't moving or breathing

"N-No....NO! MK!"He cried and runs towards Mk remove the fallen debris
Carefully taking his student into his arms.

"Come on kid w-wake up W-we won p-please wake up"He said tears filling up in the corner In his eyes "Please...."

"MK I-I'm so fucking sorry for all this for leaving y-you when you needed m-me I am sorry for hurting you and everyone!!"He sobbed and cried.

Mei covered her mouth tears streaming down her eyes she leaned her head into Red Son's shoulder resting it there as she sobbed.

Red son wrapped an arm around Mei's shoulder as he held her close
He sharply exhaled tears were starting to fall.

"N-no h-he can't be dead"Pigsy sobbed he wipes his tears with his arm Tang hugged him close to him he sobbed.

MK there son,Their child they promised to protect was gone....

"I'm sorry old friend...."Sandy put his hand on his shoulder Moe cuddling onto the pigs leg attempting to comfort the grieving father.

Macaque hung his head low the little girl Bai He by his side she held his hand she sobbed the person who rescued her risked his life for her just died.

She cried into Macaque's arm Macaque knelt down to her height she hugged Macaque tightly as she sobbed into his chest Macaque hugged back tears flowing down his eyes.

Nezha bowed his head down also grieving.

Sun Wukong hugged onto to his students body tighter he sobbed And cried he looking at MK's face
Memories started to flow through his mind remembering all of his favorite moments with MK.

He would never have anymore of this moments with MK.

He looked at the sky he screamed for the heavens to hear.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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