Part 1: the quest on the spar day (alternative story)

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*After ryoko gave the girls money to have a nice day he and toya walked into the guilt building in the city*

Ryoko: hey latous what about these wyvern quest

latous:oh that one... I wouldnt recommend it multiple high ranked adventuerer tried but failed

Ryoko: you know how strong we are right

latous: *nods in respond*

Ryoko: *chuckles a bit and says*then there is no need to worry about us

latous: *sighs* fine i try not to worry about you two

Ayato: good *he smiles and lays his head on ryoko's shoulder* What should we do first ?

Ryoko: *smiles* finding the wyvern *he teleports them to where the wyvern was last spottet, its a village on a mountain chain, they asked the villagers in wich direction the wyvern flight, the villagers also warned ayato and ryoko that it seemed Like a wyvern rider*

the narrator: in these world exist dragons they can appear as Draconian's aka humans with dragon horns and wings and dragons those either with two arms, two legs and wings and the wyverns where the claws are at the wings none of them are stupid but wyverns are more dangerous do not having a moral compass

Ryoko: if it is really a wyvern rider we might have a problem

Ayato: *sighs* i know

ryoko: *uses magic to make him and ayato jump into the future by 5 minuets ryoko knows it can cause a split timeline but he doesnt care cause he is curious ayato holding tight onto ryoko*

Ayato: wh-what happened

Ryoko: *hugs him* dont worry love it was just me

Ayato: *says in a pouty tone* Warn me next time!!

Ryoko: *giggles* yes yes next time i will

Ayato: you better do

Ryoko: i will tell you next time i promise you my love

Ayato: *makes happy cat noises as they walks more south west along the mountains and they hear a wyvern scream that lands by a cave and walks in ontop of the wyvern sits a dark elf, ryoko and ayato hiding in some bushes as she walks inside the cave with the dark blue wyvern in that moment ryoko and ayato get knocked out from behind by a dark elf lolita who takes them into the cave and ties them up with ropes then they fly off a few minuets later with the wyvern back to there island and they bring ayato and ryoko infront of there queen*

Ryoko: *wakes up he looks around and notices that ayato is still asleep while he looks at the queen and only says* why are we here

the queen: *chuckles amused* a stubborn one are we~?

Ryoko: *just looks serious at her* how is it being stubborn when i have no idea what's going on

Queen: then let me tell you what is going on you and your friend can be happy that we choose you two as our new slaves~

Ryoko: *says in a annoyed tone* and what exactly makes you think what makes me to agree on that

Queen: *says in a amused voice* pain ofcourse

*as she said that two people whip ryoko but he doesnt make any sound wich makes the dark elf amazon's confused and they stop whipping him and the*

Queen: why dont you scream in pain !?

Ryoko: simple awnser i dont feel it

Queen: *seems to be shooked first then calms herself* we have other methode's to make you talk

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