The Walls

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She didn't know the date, her name, or how long she was even in that room. The only thing she remembered was what happened.

You did this.

You really got yourself in some deep shit now, Z.

She'd given herself the name "Z", after one of the only things she could remember: the Aztec Goddess, "Tlazolteotl".

She'd been receiving food every morning, and had rationed it to last the whole day. She didn't know where it came from, but she was glad for it. Another thing in the boring and white room was that there was nothing but a toilet and bed. She would've at least been grateful for a table, then she could eat the scraps of food they gave her like a normal person–then again, she wasn't a "normal person", per se.

Suddenly, the sharp pain came flooding back. It was like a ringing in her ears, and her vision blocked up. It felt like somebody was searing her brain, and her body was on fire. 







As if magic, she had woken up in a different room. She didn't feel like she passed out, but she did anyways. It happened every other day–or hour?–didn't matter, somebody would bring her into a forest like environment and leave her with a knife and shovel. She knew what to do with them–it was the only thing she could do. Otherwise the pain came back. The figure tied up in front of her was unfamiliar, but it wasn't like she was going to remember this person. She never did. She picked up the knife and shovel, and kicked the sniffling, blindfolded character over. She wanted to get this desensitizing activity over, and so she made the job quick. She buried remains and sat down near the tree she woke up at. She took in the scenery, and admired how humane it made her feel. She let the static take her in–but this static wasn't painful; this static just took her to sleep.






Awake again. But somehow, the environment she was in was different. All of a sudden, there was a door in the room. She didn't want to risk danger, but what more did she have? Even if it wasn't an escape, it was worth the shot.

She braced for some sort of force to harm her when she touched the handle, but nothing happened. More so, the door opened!

Her environment around her was instead a house, but it seemed really empty. That could've been due to the fact that it was a mansion with nobody currently inside whatsoever, but it felt like nothing could escape nor enter. There was just a barren land for her to explore, but it felt as if she didn't want to explore it. It was almost as if nothing had changed from the room.

It was almost as if the walls were still close together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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