Chapter 2

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lol i kinda forgot about this but I have something... I think... oh and dex said she would help me on the other one not this one so they are currently eating all my takis and laughing at me... very mean but like we are basically siblings so.... eh....

So basically it's just the next day(Monday). Nat is trying to figure out where Peter's orphanage is so she can adopt him and no Peter didn't tell her his name. Also no she didn't get tony to hack him. And I forgot to mention he does not have the internship at SI. I can't spell at all so srs if anything is spelled wrong. Oh and Bucky is there bc he is my comfort character and I said so


I slept pretty good last night even with my stab wound hurting a lot even with my super healing it still hurt. Speaking of which I should probably clean the wound again and change out the bandage before schoo- CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT SCHOOL I'M GOING TO BE SO LATE!!!

♤Time skip brought to you by me being a lazy fawker♤

Surprisingly I made it to first period right before the bell rang. But unfortunately I didn't have time to change the bandage and now it hurts a lot. And by the looks of it Ned could tell I was in pain.

"Hey are you ok? You don't look so well." Ned whispered in concern. I was going to reply back with the usual 'Yeah I'm fine' but Mr. Harrington walked in so I didn't say anything.

"Alright class I am hungover. And for you annoying children that means do whatever you want, but be quiet or your going to detention. And yes Flash that means you so for once in your life shut up." He said as he walked to the front of the class and sat in the teachers desk pretending to be busy but he put earplugs in.

I however took this as a great opportunity to text Мама паук

~In Private chat~

мой ребенок паук:
Hi good morning😁

мама паук:
Good morning ребенок паук wait aren't you supposed to be at school

мой ребенок паук:
I am but the teacher has a hangover but what about you aren't you at work

мама паук:
I am I'm at a meeting right now

мой ребенок паук:
I'm sorry I didn't mean to interupt your meeting. I'll go now

мама паук:
No please don't this meeting is boring and besides I was gonna leave anyways

мой ребенок паук:
Oh ok😁 wanna see something cool?

мама паук:

мой ребенок паук:
It's a cat
(") (")__/
Do you like it?

мама паук:
That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen

мой ребенок паук:
Thank you

мама паук:

Shoot my boss caught me on my phone


Why can't I curse

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