Act 1 scene 1

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Open on a large campus library, 2 floors with a large carpeted staircase to the second floor. On the upper level there is a space full of tables where students were studying, frantically for midterms.
At one table closer to the corner of the room right next to the window 2 women sat across from each other.

Rory, a 27 year old Australian boxer. A bigger woman around 6", with a soft, kind look in her eye.
August, a 20 year old college student from Ireland. With a snarky passion. Very small at least compared to Rory.

Rory- (Leaning over the table to see August's work) How are you making out with the studying? 

August- It's going ok? (Pause) I don't know, my brain can't absorb all this information. History is so dumb.

Rory- You're the one who's majoring in it, August. I'm just here to tutor you... and bring you lunch.

August- (Sighs, putting her pencil down) Thank you for doing all this by the way, Rory. I hardly have enough time to even breathe with these stupid midterms. OH, I'm done.

August holds up the several papers of study notes. For Rory to look over.
Rory begins to talk but August isn't paying much attention, instead opting to look at the older women's features.

Rory- August, are you listening? The answer to number 6, it's Emily Dickinson.

August- Huh, what?

Rory- You look tired... how about we end it there for today and go get coffee.

August- Uh. Sure. Ya. That sounds great.

The 2 girls pack up, making small talk out of the library and down to the café across the street.
Entering and ordering their drinks.
The place was quiet, with a couple people going in and out and the sound of the coffee makers. It was peaceful just to sit there and enjoy a coffee.

August- Sooo, Rory. There's something I want to tell you.

Rory- Have you finally decided to switch majors like you keep threatening to?

August- No.

Rory- (Thought for a minute) Alright then, what do you need to tell me.

August- Well, we've known each other for a couple months now and I really like you, a lot... I'm asking you on a date.

August blushed heavily while Rory raised her eyebrows in shock. There was a moment of silence.

August- Sorry.

Rory- What, no, no. You don't have to be sorry. I was just in shock... (She giggles) you're a great person august, I really like you as well, don't get me wrong. But, my situation is a bit complicated.

August- Complicated?

Rory- So do you know what polyamory is?

August- Yea, I do. Why (It took her a moment to think) Ohhh.

Rory- Ya. But if you're ok with that.

August- I AM.

Rory- Hehe, you're going to have to meet the other girls. I'm sure they'll like you. We can't do it tomorrow, but how about Friday, you can stay for dinner.

August- Yes, absolutely. That sounds nice.

Rory- Then it's settled, I'll see you on Friday.

Rory gives her address to August on a piece of napkin.

End scene 1

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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