Bisexual Awakenings 💖💜💙

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  This, is the story of how I died...

Hah just kidding this is actually the story of how I met a wonderful young man named Peter who completely changed my life.

Eugene and Rapunzel have been married for about a year now, and his blondie has been busy reconnecting with her family, making connections with outside kingdoms, making appearances in town etc..

The romantic feelings didn't last very long, they still got along great and they loved each other platonically. They agreed to become friends and they could have outside relationships. Eugene met a young man a few weeks after they decided to split.

The man had a boyish face with thick eyebrows and droopy eyes, he was a tall brunette, had muscle packed in his arms and legs, about Eugene's age. He owned his own bakery in town. Peter had the sweetest personality that even Eugene fucking Fitzherbert couldn't help but swoon over.

Today, Fitzherbert was gonna go to the bakery to chat probably longer than necessary with Peter.

A bell jingled when Eugene opened the door, the bakery was small, it had shelves that lined the walls with fresh loafs of bread and slices of cake (behind a glass case). small tables were fit closer to the door, and towards the back of the store was a counter with another display case that had different kinds of desserts that blocked off the kitchen.

"One moment!" a voice came from somewhere in the kitchen, they probably heard the bell when he walked in.

" 'S alright, it's just me, Peter" Eugene called out hoping the man could hear him from the kitchen. He made his way to the counter and leaned a hip on it.

Peter walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on an apron. He had flour in his hair and shoulder; probably from moving the new bags of flour into the back room.

"Hey, Eugene" Peter uttered in a throaty tone. He was still looking down, focused on wiping away something on his apron

"I was worried I wouldn't get here before you closed" Eugene started up a conversation, Peter was a bit shy and couldn't start fun conversations as well as Eugene could. He liked watching Peter's face turn red while he casually made suggestive jokes. He was fun to mess with

"Ah, well you're welcome past closing time, I'm usually here two to three hours after I shut the doors" Peter eyed the clock and finally made eye contact with Eugene. His soft eyes squinted as he gave Eugene a gorgeous smile, he had almost-perfect teeth and lips that Eugene really wanted to kiss. He jumped up on top of the counter and took a cookie from the display case and took a bite from it, still admireing the little smile on Peter's very kissable face.

"You have to pay for that first" Peter said before yanking the snack from Eugene's mouth.

"You were gonna throw it out anyways, it's a display cookie" Eugene stated and tounged his canine. He crossed his arms over his chest just for the dramatics of it. Peter ate the other half of the cookie and crossed his arms over his chest just to match Eugene. He had a playful smirk on his lips. That surprised him. Peter never really did anything like that before. Before Eugene could think too much about the innuendo behind Peters move, Peter continued,

"I need to finish moving the bags of flour and sugar" Peter complained, he leaned his head back; There was a mosquito bite on his collarbone. Eugene wondered what his bites would look like on Peter's skin... And oh curse these thoughts because Eugene already really wants to kiss Peter, He wants to kiss his soft-looking lips, the apple of his cheek, the part of his eyebrow that grows kinda funny, the small scar under his left eye, every inch of skin he can reach. Damn, Eugene is falling hard for this man. Peter turned to go back to the storage room Eugene followed as always.

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