Breakfast in Bed, as Requested

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I am not going to do that; because then I would be in trouble with my gorgeous wife, and that means that I would also be putting my intimate time with this sexy lingerie at risk. And that's something that I can already tell you is going to happen today, because our family is already going to be taking the boys out at some point; and that therefore means that we're going to have the entire place to ourselves, and I can already tell that you love that idea." Gabby smiled as she heard her loving husband tell her that before smirking. "Well, I can only assume that I know what you want to do when we're done eating." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby tell him that, as he most definitely does want to get sexy with her at some point. But not right now. Right now, he needs to make sure that his beautiful wife eats for their baby girl; the baby girl who needs to have her mommy eat so that they can both be fed. After all, their aby girl can only grow if her mommy eats enough food; food that her daddy is going to give his beautiful wife right now.

And afterwards, he's going to climb into bed with her; that way, they can have breakfast together. "Are the boys already done their cheerios?" Matt smiled as Gabby asked him whether the boys are done eating their cheerios already, because they most definitely are. "Yes, they're all both done eating; and that means that we don't need to worry about them anymore. Rather, we can just concentrate on each other." Gabby smiled as Matt told her that, as that most definitely is exactly what the wife wants to do with her amazing husband right now; she wants them to concentrate on each other, as they relax in bed together today. And she also wants to talk to him, especially after that bad dream that she had last night; a dream that she's yet to share with her husband. And while she knows that he might get mad for her about not saying anything yet, she just hopes that he can forgive her. And that's because she's trying to tell him when she has them, but she's also scared at times when it comes to when she's sleeping (in Matt's arms).

God, the way that her loving husband holds her in his arms is incredible, and she loves it more than anything in the entire world; and she just can't wait until he's holding her once again, which is something that he does momentarily. "So, are we going to be sitting close to each other as we eat? Or do you want to sit across from each other, which the tray table in between us?" Gabby bit her lip as Matt asked her how she wanted to sit in bed while they had breakfast, as they all sound so tempting; but at the end of the day, she needs to think about what's going to be easier when he needs to get up so that he can take the plates downstairs. "Let's eat facing each other, that way you can get out of bed easier when you need to bring the tray (along with our plates) back down to the kitchen." Matt agreed with his girl as she said that, as that is most definitely the truth; after which, he proceeded to lean over her so that he can set the tray of food down right where she wants it. And that would be on their bed, in between where they're both going to sit in bed.

However, there's something else that Matt needs to do while leaning over Gabby (other than giving her a kiss); and that would be grab the tea that he has on the tray table. Going to grab it, Matt smiled as he picked it up and then set it down on the side table; and that's something that he specifically did, as he didn't want to have the tea spill onto the bed. Once that was done, he set it down on her side table; at the same time, he also grabbed his coffee from the tray table. Carrying it with him as he made his way over to his side of the bed, Matt smiled as he got ready to get in bed with the woman he loves more than anything; setting the cup of coffee down on his side table, Matt smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife. "Sorry for not giving you a kiss when I was leaning over you." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before looking at the man she loves. "Well, I think that I can do something to fix that." Matt was confused as Gabby said that, before just watching as she got up out of bed; after which, he watched as Gabby made her way to the footboard.

Smirking when he realized what Gabby did, Matt then proceeded to make his way over to the woman he loves at the end of their bed. Stepping close to her as soon as he was at the end of the bed, Matt smiled as he moved his hands to her sides; after which, he picked her up and set her down on the footboard. Stepping close to his beautiful wife, Matt smirked as he leaned in and kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with Matt as he kissed her this morning, Gabby smiled as she felt him move his hand to her neck and just held his beautiful wife close to him. "God, I love you so much." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that. "I love you too, and I am so glad that you made me breakfast in bed. Thanks for that by the way." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby thank him for making breakfast in bed, as it truly was his pleasure; then again, she also doesn't have to thank him for doing so. And that's due to the fact that it's his job to make sure that she eats enough, both for her sake; and for the sake of their beautiful daughter (whom she's pregnant with).

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now