What Did I Miss?

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This was requested by an anon on tumblr!

Niall Horan x Fem!Reader

Could you write a little something about the reader walking in on Niall recording "Steal My Girl" in his underwear? Your choice on how they know each other. I just think it's funny as hell!

It was a long day, and all I wanted to do was see my boyfriend, so that's exactly what I decided to do. Since he's in town with his band, I took advantage of the rare opportunity that I do have with him.

I look down at my phone, looking at the text he sent me just a little while ago.

Irish Blondie💚
Hey, Petal! We're just doing a bit of recording. I'll be in room 647! Just knock! Everyone knows you're coming!-seen

Okay, sounds good babe! I'll be there soon!-delivered

I look back up as I walk through the hallway and I manage to find the room. I knock on the door and step back, waiting for the door to open.

Not even a minute later, the door opens to reveal Louis. His eyes light up when he sees me and he pulls me into a hug.

"Mrs. Neil! Great to see ya, love. How've ya been?"

He lets me go and we go inside, Louis closing the door behind us.

"I've been good Lou. Just been itching to see Niall."

He nods in understanding.

"He's been itching t' see you too, Y/N. Believe me. Yer all he's been talkin' about."

I blush as I follow him through the room and my mouth gapes, unprepared for what's in front of me.

"I don't exist if I don't have her, the sun doesn't shine, the world doesn't turn, alright."

Before my eyes is my boyfriend. Dancing around. In his underwear. Next to me, Louis bursts out laughing and Niall turns around, his face burning bright red as soon as he sees me.

"Y-Y/N! I-I'm sorry Petal! I'll um... Just give me a minute to um... Get some clothes on..."

I nod, averting my eyes as I turn around, my face burning just as bright as his. As Niall gets dressed, I chat with Zayn.

"Ya should've seen your face, Y/N! You and Nialler! Looked like a couple o' tomatoes! Lou! Did you get that on video! We gotta show Payno and Harry!"

I cover my face with my hands in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and the two laugh, Zayn pulling me into a hug.

"Stop laughing, you two! It's not funny! I've... Never seen him like that before... He just kind of surprised me... But I told him I was coming! Why was he in his underwear?!"

Both men just shrug when John, one of the producers chimes in.

"That might be my fault. He was in the middle of changing and I sort of had an idea for one of his verses and I distracted him. He's been like that for about an hour and a half."

I nod, beginning to understand. It took me a while to get to the hotel since I live about an hour away and my car is in the shop, so my only mode of transportation was the bus.

Zayn pats my back with a smile before he lets me go.

"Don't look so nervous. He's Niall, I'm sure this won't be the last time you see him naked."

Louis bursts out laughing again and everyone leaves the room as I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Niall, now dressed and ready to go.

"Sorry about that Y/N, guess I just got a bit distracted... Promise it won't happen again."

He holds his hand out to me and I take it with a smile, although the blush is still visible on my face.

"It's fine, Niall. But you should know, Louis got it on video. He and Zayn and probably showing it to Harry and Liam as we speak."

His eyes widen and his cheeks tint again and he pulls me out of the hotel room.

"Tommo! Delete that video, ya fucker!"

Niall lets go of my hand and begins to chase Louis down the hall of the floor, laughs echoing as the video goes around to all. I sigh and shake my head, somehow only falling more in love with him.

WC 735

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