Chapter 3 / What in gods Name was that thing??

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Enid's PoV

I was so tired I have been fighting Dr. purple for hours trying to defeat him while he just laughed at me

Just when I was about to attack the villain again but then a weird sort of creature jumped out of now where

It fist looked at me and slightly tilted they're head

"What the fuck?" dr. Purple said looking at the creature

The creature looked at dr. Purple and let out a strange sound hurting my ears but also dr. Purple his ears

"What the fuck are you? You stupid monster shut up" he screamed at the creature

he sent one of an extra arm at the monster, the creature grabbed the arm and ripped it off dr. purple's body

"He-hey stopt that!" purple screamed

"What if I don't~" the creature said in a low dark voice sending shivers up my spine

"Wo-wow It can talk" dr purple said mumbling to him self

"You, make sure does people are save" the monster said looking at me

"O-oh ye-yeah ofcourse" I said grabbing the people and taking them outside

I wanted to run back in but Yoko grabbed my arm and I turned around

"Please be careful wolf-spider"she said looking at me

I nodded and said "I will be don't worry" and quickly ran in

Dr. Purples extra arms were ripped off and it was now screaming at the monster

"You're a demon! a bad guy! you should be helping me! not her!" he screamed pointing at me

The creature took Dr. Purple by his neck and growled in his face

"Wow what the fuck is this thing of a monster" I thought looking at it

"He-hey wolf-spider ar-are you gon-gonna save me or what" Dr. Purple stuttered

"Wha- oh yeah Ofcourse" I said

But before I could swing to save dr. Purple, the beast wrapped his tail around me holding me in still in the same I was in place

"Shi-shit" I cursed as the creature smirked at me, I was now so close I could smell the monster

The creature smelled like death, blood and rain, wait rain where do I recognise that smell from?

Before I could do anything the creature bite off Dr. Purple his head

My mouth fell open when the creature ate in one bite his whole body

With his long slimy tong he licked the blood of his beak

He growled at me, then walked over to me, I couldn't move, their tail was still tightly wrapped around me

I closed my eyes thinking they were gonna do the same thing to me that they did to dr. Purple

But no, they did something no one would guess, they licked my neck with they're slimy tong and groaned softly

After that they let me go and ran away

Um, what the fuck just happed

I put my hand on my neck to see a saliva from the monster

I didn't thought much of it and swing away back to my and Yokos dorm

Wednesday pov

"Why the fuck did you that?" I whispered

"What I did I do??" Viper did if she knew nothing


"Ohhh that yeah I just wanted a little taste" viper said with a satisfying smirk

"You're weird as fuck you know that right" I mumbled

"Oh shut up and let's go back" viper growled

"Fine, but I don't want to hear you complain tonight that you're hungry" i said

"I swear I won't"

"That's what you always say"

Enid's PoV

I quickly got back to the apartment to see a very worried Yoko sitting at the table

When she saw me she jumped up and ran to me pulling me in a hug

"Thank god you're alright, except for your arm"
She said looking at my right arm were a big wound was because Dr. Purple threw me at the wall

"and what the fuck is on your neck" she said looking at with disgust at the salvia from the monster

"Yoko I need to tell you something" I said seriously

"Okay..... what happed" she said concerned

"So I was fighting Dr. purple when I was about to die some weird creature jumped out of no where and grabbed dr. purple and ate him alive" I explained to Yoko

Yoko eyes widened and said

"Maybe their is something on the news about it she ran to the tv and turned it on"

"Good evening people today at 3.57 PM some named dr. purple attack the bank" the news reporter said

"I-it was really scary we didn't knew what to do but then wolf-spider appeared" a woman said who was in the bank when it all happed

"She was getting tired and the guy was still not defeated when out of no where weird creature jump out of no where" a man explained, he was also in the bank

"It told wolf spider to get us out of here
After she did that she ran back in" the woman said again

"This may be disgusting for some people but this is what the cameras captured off what happed" the news reporter said

It showed the creature that ate dr. Purple in one bite, and me wrapped around in their tail unable to do something

"Wow....... That's one creepy thing" Yoko mumbled

"It is, it really is" i whispered

"Did you know what it is??" Yoko asked looking at me

"Dr. Purple said it was a demon but I don't know what their name is" I said to her

"Well why don't you ask them, go try to find them tomorrow" Yoko said standing up

"Mhm that isn't so bad maybe I'll go do that thanks Yoko" I said smiling

"Yeah sure but now let's take care of that wound and go take a shower"

I laughed and said "I'll take a shower first"

I stoot up and walked to the bathroom still thinking about the demon

Eugenes pov

Me and thing were looking at the news when we saw Wednesday killing that dr. Purple

A few minutes later Wednesday came through the window

She transformed back into her own form and looked at me and said

"You're happy? I helped that stupid spider and viper ate" Wednesday said crossing her arms

"He was delicious" vipers deep voice said laughing

I chuckled and said "yes thank you Wednesday I appreciate it, now go take a shower you smell like blood"

"I always smell like blood" she said walking out the room to the bathroom

"Oh yeah Ofcourse" i said giggling softly and rolling my eyes


I hope you guys liked this chapter
It's a bit shorter then the others

I'll update this book ones a day

Have a nice day and take care


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