As she walked away I walked out of school getting into my car

Jayklickins pov

Jay- hello?

I said getting a phone call from y/n

Y/n- hey you home? Cause I just got into a fight and mad shit just happened

Jay- what!? What do you mean fight y/n, you pregnant you can't be doing any of that shit?

I was in fact not home I was at the studio wit 83, dotty, yogi, mizzy, dd and notti

Y/n- I know but it wasn't really a fight fight I just punched her and she tried hitting me back but she missed than jayracks took over

Jay- that still don't mean shit, this could cost you our babies life. Come to the studio bro

As of that I hung up on her and sighed

83- wait you got her pregnant? Why I ain't know?

Notti- now's not the time my brother

He said patting 83s shoulder

Notti- what happened? Why she get in a fight? Who she get in the fight wit?

Jay- bro who knows, her ass ain't going back to school no more that's for a fact. I didn't even want her going in the first place

I sat back down next to 83 and notti, after what felt like 30 minutes she finally walked into the door and stared at us

Dd- so what happened?

He said confused

Y/n-bro this whole thing started because of this boy I guess his name is setty came up to me and asked if I fucked wit jay and I told him to mind his business and then this girl came over and was telling him I do and I guess her name was murder? I don't even know but what got us fighting was the fact she told me if we weren't at school she would've kill me so I punched the bitch

She shrugged at the last part

Dd- why was murder b and set da trend together?

Y/n- there was a whole group of them together but them two were the closest to me

Jay- fuck y/n, you ain't going to school no more I didn't even know why you was going in the first place

I said rubbing my forehead

Y/n- that's what Eva said

Jay-and that's what I've been telling you, you not going back to school, you pregnant if something happens to you or my baby I will kill every single nigga that you seen in that room

I shook my head

Y/n- alright than I won't go no more, I'm not tryna fight over it

Jay- ok thank you, you staying at the Stu wit us?

I said changing the subject

Y/n- I'm gonna go home and chill wit my mom but be ready by 3 and I'll come pick you up

Jay- ok bye I love you

Y/n- bye I love you too

She walked out and yogi lit a bunt

83- I'm still not over the fact that I ain't know she was pregnant

Mizzy- well I ain't even know he was in a relationship but him having a kid is crazy

Jay-well that's really my wife right there, one day imma put a ring on her finger

I said smiling

Y/ns pov

Doctor- y/n y/l/n?

Y/n- that's me

I said standing up with my mother and jay, we walked into the doctors room and I sat down

Doctor- the other doctor will be in here just a sec

She left the room and I looked around

Y/m- I can't believe my baby is having a baby, you tell your brothers yet?

She said laughing

Y/n- Nah I haven't talked to them since they left, I will tell them tho

I nodded my head

Doctor- ok so today you will be finding out how many weeks you are and a full physical exam, including breast and pelvic exams, as well as some routine blood and urine tests to make sure you are actually pregnant

Y/m- does she get an ultrasound today?

Doctor- that depends how far along she is

Y/m- ok m

A little time skip cause I'm lazy

Doctor- ok so you are 4 weeks pregnant and your first ultrasound will be in three more weeks where we will be able to verify your due date, to look for a fetal heartbeat, and to measure the length of the baby from crown to rump

Y/n- ok thank you have a great day

Doctor- you too

We all walked out the doctors and me and jay got into my car

Jay- bro I can't believe this is real

Y/n- for real, imma be scared once you could see my stomach cause I can't ever picture me being pregnant

I said laughing

Jay- I'm mad that they kicked me out for the breast exam, like I ain't see you naked before, how he think you got pregnant?

He scoffed changing the subject which made me laugh even more

Guys I went to their concert and 83 had my phone on stage wit him and he was also talking to me

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Guys I went to their concert and 83 had my phone on stage wit him and he was also talking to me

This book is ending in like 3-4 chapters cause it's boring now so be prepared for lots of time skips

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